When I installed PC Tools Firewall PLUS, it asked me if my network was public, private or work, and it set it as public. After a few days, it asks me every time I start my computer. It’s not a big deal but it is annoying. It also happens on my Mom’s computer, my friend’s computer, and my friend’s parent’s computer. I was wondering if this happens to anyone else and if there’s a way to stop it.
I gave up on software firewalls but on Windows 7 the Windows 7 Firewall Control is OK but very nosy and annoying.
The interview with Bruce Harrison who is a developer at Malwarebytes – the company who created Malwarebytes’ Anti-Malware is very interesting: http://www.besttechie.net/2008/08/20/malwarebytes-developer-interview <== software firewall discussion starts about 8 minutes into the video
Good videos. I do disagree with what the guy said about hackers not bothering with home users, since isn’t that basically what the Zeus Bot is doing, is stealing financial data from people?
I have a Linksys card that is connected to my stepdad’s router. How does that protect from hackers? I’m not totally worried about hackers that much though, since I don’t do banking online, and once I have GeSWall, nothing will infect me.