I am a paid premium user, not free version user, avast should not pop up annoying pop up ad for paid premium user, not only pop up at pc screen, it pop up at the CENTER!! it so disturbance for people who are focusing at work. if avast do so to a free version user, is fair, fine, but we are paid for subscription. Please avast would u don’t do so? if this action keep going on, i may consider stop the subscription and give a chance for the other competitor’s products.
My subscription not even ended, should Avast continue keep pop up this reminder at the CENTER of the desktop and keep disturbing his royalty user from work? I love avast, but recently avast’s act is disgusting!
Open the Personal Privacy, in there with Premium you can turn off promotions/offers for other Avast products (not included in Avast Premium).
I have Avast Free and obviously have no means to prevent these offers/promotions/ads, personally I feel that they should be automatically disabled by default in paid versions of Avast
Ok i see, thanks bro, will see how its work to help stopping this annoying ad. Ya agree to bro that avast should disabled by default in paid versions, previously there are no issue on this pop up ad, may be after upgrade, its change the attribute and not disabled by default. thanks again, so i can continue using avast with love.
with the “offers” un-clicked, i still got the annoying ‘center-ad’ during my work on the desktop today, any expert got any other solution to get rid of these annoying center-ad, before i give up avast subscription and turn to other competitors antivirus software, please
I ALSO got an Avast pop-up while watching a video in full screen mode, with Avast’s Silent Mode ON. This should not be happening. Didn’t used to happen with earlier versions.
I can confirm : I got the same pop-up a few days ago while my license is valid till 31 augustus 2021.
It has nothing to do with your settings afaik, and it is annoying !
For exampe NordVPN does this different :
When my 3 year NordVPN license ended last April, I got an email one month in advance basicly saying : " We are happy that you are our customer, and if you log in to your account with this link we will give you 1 free month extra "
When claiming the 1 free month extra, I was also notified that my license would end somewhere in May now.
And when I extended my license with 2 more years, I got another email in which they thanked me and with again a link for 1 free month extra.
It pays to reward loyalty, lets put it this way you extended and effectively got an 8% (1/12) bonus. Which is way better than having an existing customer move elsewhere. Or 92% of something is much better than 100% of nothing.
Avast used to have a loyalty/renewal discount built in, not you might be able to get a deal on your first premium, but pay 100% on renewal. However with the auto renewal payment mandate it is 100%. Should I every go for an Avast Premium (or paid product), I wouldn’t use the auto renewal payment mandate. That way you can seek out the best deal or renewal discount offer.
For me Avast Free suits my requirements and even then I don’t do a full (but minimal) installation. I don’t really see that changing if I were ever to go for Avast Premium.
I will simply not buy another Avast product again.
I am also a paid premium user. I have unchecked the personal privacy boxes.
Why am I still getting a subscription reminder? My subscription ends in 2023! Why does it keep popping up?
So guess what, Avast. Your incessant nagging has had the OPPOSITE effect on me. I will simply no longer buy your products. And in 2023 when my subscription ends (I know this because you keep reminding me) that will be the last I see of you.
I thought after update to newest version, so call best-ever version, like what avast had promised: “FEWER INTERRUPTIONS IN FULLSCREEN”, but now I still continue get the annyoing pop up reminder in the center of the desktop. Before that, I was thinking should give a chance for a better avast, but now I have decided to give up avast, will stop subscribe avast after end of subscription. Bye avast.