Annoying popup

greetings everyone,
new member here so bear with me please.
Reading various info here for answers to this issue. Keep getting a popup saying avast has blocked a harmful site. When I go to the info portal it is an ad requesting me to purchase Avast Internet Security for $ 40. How can I get rid of the persistent popup.

Would really appreciate any help.


Don’t click on the info portal as currently it isn’t set up to provide detailed information on the detection.

Keep getting a popup saying avast has blocked a harmful site.
Follow Davids advice and then be thankful that avast! protected your system and prevented you from getting infected each time one of those "annoying" pop ups happens. :) Welcome to the forum moonlight583.

Well, firstly you could start by telling whether you are actually visiting any suspicious sites when “malicious URL blocked” is displayed. Even better, attach screenshot of popup here (additional options → attach).

If you are visiting some suspicious site - stop doing it. Simple as that.

If you aren’t - this topic should probably be in “viruses and worms” board.