Annoying problem after uninstalling Anti theft

I have a rooted tablet and had Anti theft installed.
I never really used the app though. it was just always running in the background.
Now I went abroad and obviously i had to change my sim card.
but it still is locating my tablet and sending the information to my email.

I already tried to login to my avast account and I have deleted every device that was controlled by the app.
Still, when i put in a new sim card the gps, data, and wifi buttons stay toggled on and i cant switch them off.
I think this must have something to do with Anti Theft, since it needs gps and mobile data to locate the device.

what can i do, so that i can switch off my data?

Add the new sim as trusted.

how do i do that? i already have deleted all devices on my avast online page.

You need to do it in the settings of the application on your phone.

I have uninstalled the app and cant reinstall it.

See screenshots:
image 1 and 2: after installing the standard version of Anti theft and clicking on the app icon
image 3 and 4: after installing the rooted version and clicking on the app icon

Any ideas how to enter the settings in another way?

The problem is: i can not reinstall the app. Please look at the screenshots.

Uninstall it first.

There is nothing to uninstall.
It’s like the app is in the system but completely invisible. Even root uninstall apps can’t find it.