I am a new user of avast. It help me to get rid of a terrible virus. Yet, in less than a day I had to uninstall it again because it almost become a virus itself. While scanning (or who knows what the program was doing) it kept on showing me windows detecting problems here and there and asking me whether I wanted to delete them or move them. The windows didn’t stop poping up and they didn’t let me work. It was impossible to stop them, so I just uninstalled the program for it was unbearable…
I am still interested in the program IF THERE iS A WAY to avoid this annoying thing. Any suggestion?
What OS are you using first? (Windows XP, Mac, 2000, etc.)
Are you saying that avast! virus detection keeps poping up after you press delete? (Recommend next time to move it to the virus chest)
It’s also wonderful if you give us a Hijack log, if you don’t have Hijackthis, you can download a free one here:
I’m using Windows XP.
Yes, the virus detection windows keeps poping up (I guess because it found more than one problem: it seemed to be scanning my email program) I pressed delete most of the time since it was that what the window recommended in some cases. In others (“just” two times) it recommended to move to virus chest, and I did that. I one case, the program was unable to do anything with the virus (or whatever it was) I pressed move to virus chest and it appear again (the window) I pressed move/rename and again the program was unable to fix the problem, finally and annoyed by the window, I just pressed delete… nothing happened…
What is the virus or malware that avast! pop-up detect, do you remember? Make sure you disable system restore on your PC.
Again, there were many different. I guess that should be problematic but I really couldn’t stand more windows poping up. Is there anyway that avast! can scann the computer and AT THE END show all the problems in one single report so that the user might choose which to delete and which to move?
Um… thanks for reminding me about the system restore. And… sorry for the ignorance, but where should I do that?
thanks again
For system restore: Click Start, go to control panel, go to Performance and Maintance, then on the left you’ll find System Restore. Turn it off
Thanks. Just one more question.
Is it the normal way on which avast! work? that is, poping up subsecquent windows, or is there any way to avoid that? As I said before I’m interested in the program, but I really need to know if this is the way it normally works.
Thanks again
If you find a virus keeps coming back after you delete it, it’s most probably infected the System Restore folder, the best way to solve this is to disable System Restore, reboot your machine and then enable it again. After all, run a full avast! scanning. System Restore cannot be disabled on Windows 9x. Enable/Disable System restore on Windows XP: http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;[LN];310405
If the virus does not disappear, avast will announce the infection. It is normal.
Maybe the better, after disabling system restore, will be scheduling a boot time scanning with avast.
I believe that first of all, you should tell us if you ran a manual (on-demand) scan, or rather it’s the resident protection detecting the virus (e.g. when receiving an e-mail).
For on-demand scans, the virus dialog has a checkbox “don’t show again”, doesn’t it? So, if you check this option and simply press OK, you’ll get a list of infected files at the end of the scan.