I like, I really do like, the notification that my virus definitions have been updated.
But why, oh why, does Avast! feel the need to linger the taskbar notification for so long, oh so long. It blots out other needed info in the notification area of my screen.
Please make the duration of the notification a configurable parameter. I promise I won’t set it for “nothing”.
I do like to see that the definitions have been updated, but only for a second or two. Not the everlasting amount of time that is currently subjected upon me.
I throw immense amounts of gratitude upon you.
(Important details: Windows 7 - 64 bit, Windows XP - 32 bit; Avast 5.0.667)
I agree. The duration of popup could easily be cut in half. From what i heard, i think it as Vlk, it’s suppose to last for 20 seconds. 10 would be way enough imo.
yeah I agree on this one, popups appear too long just too long. Of course you can always close it manually but it’s just sometimes annoying when you’re doing something else to get a popup that doesn’t seem to go away on its own, especially like in my case when the firewall is set to show newly created rules (on auto-decide mode). I don’t mind the popups, just the contrary, but the delay until they disappear is, again, way too long. Shortening that should be no problem as in case someone would absolutely need to re-read a popup message, there’s always the option to “show last popup” available from a right click on the tray icon.
Either reduce the default pop-up delay or give the ability to change the delay setting in the avast5.ini file.
Of course for those that find it that much of an issue they can disable it, you have the audible update notification anyway, unless of course you haven’t disabled that already ;D
I remember a lot of people complaining that the notification was too fast in 4.8. I think the new time must be in response to that. But I’d also like to see it configurable, seeing as how everyone has different needs where this is concerned.
I agree with camper
Configurable popup delay time is a must!
You could do it in 4.8 (via the ini file)
Developers note, please give us this facility back!
I always had the problem of it interrupting my online games on full screen, it would literally take me back to desktop view, and I’d find myself dead in the game when I finally return. It also causes some lagging just before the pop-up so I can’t even prep myself to move anywhere. I think there should be an option to delay the updates until after a full screen app is in progress.