another ATF False Positive instance!

:(. . .looks like this is happening to a lot of others currently. Win 32: Trojan-gen {Other} found in ATF Cleaner. so now, i can’t clean out my temps & such because, upon selecting the Recommended action: Move to chest option, Avast promptly removed everything connected w/ATF Cleaner! seems i can’t re-download it either? this ain’t good, ya’ll!. . . :cry:

send this file from the chest to Avast and remember to put false positive in the comments.

???. . .um, so how would i do that? i rarely work inside of these type of forums, so i’m not sure of how to send anything to you/Avast?? help, please??? thank you so much!


Open Avast, Then click on program menu, then virus chest, highlite the file you want to send, then at the top click on email to ALWIL software. in the additional info box put false positive.

I don’t work for Avast, I’m just a user like yourself.

BTW, Welcome to the forums.