Another blacklisted site with CMS problems - GoDaddy abuse!

Site is Google Safebrowsing blacklisted:
as Google Safe Browse reports Possible infection with malware

WordPress Plugins
The following plugins were detected by reading the HTML source of the WordPress sites front page.

WP-accept-paypal-payment 4.0
Plugins are a source of many security vulnerabilities within WordPress installations, always keep them updated to the latest version available and check the developers plugin page for information about security related updates and fixes.

Warning User Enumeration is possible :o
The first two user ID’s were tested to determine if user enumeration is possible.

ID User Login
1 admin admin
2 None
It is recommended to rename the admin user account to reduce the chance of brute force attacks occurring. As this will reduce the chance of automated password attackers gaining access. However it is important to understand that if the author archives are enabled it is usually possible to enumerate all users within a WordPress installation.

Blacklisted Externally Linked Host Hosting Provider Country, LLC United States, LLC United States

Detected libraries:
jquery-migrate - 1.2.1 : -
Info: Severity: medium
jquery.prettyPhoto - 3.1.4 : (active1) -
Info: Severity: high
Info: Severity: high
jquery - 1.11.3 : (active1) -
(active) - the library was also found to be active by running code
2 vulnerable libraries detected


Size sormak istedigim önemli bir konu olacak . Benim bütün web sayfalarim GoDaddy sirketinin hostunda. Benim web sitelerime acaba Virus Bulastimi ? Sesli Chat

Hi arzucanturk80,

Please break link.
We communicate here in English. Use Google Translate to get a Turkish translation. The link you gave does not have outdated WordPress software, but there is a misconfiguration like Warning User Enumeration is possible
The first two user ID’s were tested to determine if user enumeration is possible.

ID User Login
1 None derdo
2 None
It is recommended to rename the admin user account to reduce the chance of brute force attacks occurring. As this will reduce the chance of automated password attackers gaining access. However it is important to understand that if the author archives are enabled it is usually possible to enumerate all users within a WordPress installation.

Only the first two user ID’s were tested with this scan, use the Nmap NSE enumeration scripts (use your own Nmap installation or try option 2 below) to discover additional user ID’s.

One jQuery library was detected that should be migrated (zip up for later references)
Detected libraries:
jquery.prettyPhoto - 3.1.3 : (active1) -
Info: Severity: high
Info: Severity: high
jquery - 1.11.3 : (active1) .
(active) - the library was also found to be active by running code
1 vulnerable library detected

Scripts 1 issues
Tag Result

Missing SRI hash

You could use this one: [script] [/script]
