Another great DNS Benchmark tool !

I was Googling and I found this great DNS Benchmark Tool

It even has nice graphics, sorts the fastest DNS, and give conclusions


I am not sure if someone mentioned this already

Most of us “old timers” will be familiar with Steve Gibson’s GRC and his tools but it is good that you have mentioned the site again for those that do not know and as a reminder to others who should. :slight_smile:

Yes, I am also familiar with GRC but I was talking about this particular Tool

There are a lot of DNS servers listed in the Tool, it is better to remove most of them and test with only what you want to test

I got this advice from OpenDNS but I am not sure

Ok, I modified my above post to reflect what you are talking about.

But, those of us familiar with GRC realize that the DSN BT is not exactly a new tool.
I was trying to thank you for mentioning the site and ALL the tools to the unknowing and reminding those of us who are sometimes a little forgetful.

As for me, when I use GRC DNS BT, I leave all of the entries active or else I would never know which one is the best. It does not take but a couple of mins as the tool is very quick.

Hi folks,

But be cautious, interrupting the tool working could loose you your internet connection, as I just experienced.
Steve Gibson always was a bit of a controversial character, but I learned big about ports and firewalls from him.
His rants on streaming audio are also interesting, and he has made available the DCOMbombolator to help people against the DCOm, port 135, exploit. Well this is even better and more complete:,Program,Windows,11744.html


You right about interrupting the tool while it is working, Polonus.
Of course, if you interrupt it, you get incomplete results and since it takes only a couple of mins on my 52k connection, it should be much faster for those with faster connections. So, there is no real reason to interrupt it … unless, you are just experimenting. :wink:

Yes, he is a bit controversial but he knows his stuff and has taught many of us many things over the years.

I’ve tried the program of Chris and also I’ve tried to compare it with OpenDNS
What I can conclude both IP gives about the same reaction to my Google Chrome…
The one Chris suggested plays YouTube slower than OpenDNS :frowning: