Another Invalid File Signature Failed Update

In all my years of using the program never had this happen before. Using the free version on a very newly built computer Windows 7. Was good for a few days then nogo. Uninstalled with tool in safe mode. Renistalled but it still somehow remembered the last update had failed. Could not have possibly uninstalled everything. Been at it for an hour now.

Just wondering also new to the forum how I could change the time. Showing 4 hours different from my current time zone on all the threads.

Avast is looking into it. Be patient.

Even removing the program in Safe Mode does not remove all traces of the program. I use CCleaner and Revo Uninstaller. Revo Uninstaller works to remove all traces and then CCleaner removes what is left along with the key left in the registry.

My wife and I both received this message. A laptop and desktop, both running Win7.

Do not try to find a fix for it since there isn’t one, you are most likely causing more harm than help on your computer. Do not fear, you are not at much risk, and avast! is aware and is actively trying to resolve the issue. Do stay calm, be patient, and wait for some more updates!

For those of you who are are using the regular release version 7.0.1466, and the repair failed - ‘Error processing packages. Please use full update.’ - then this worked for me on my win7 netbook with 7.0.1466:

Then you will need to do a Manual update of VPS - avast! Virus Definitions Update - Manual Download VPS Update (virus definitions, vpsupd.exe, approx 67.5 MB). - Save the file to your hard disk, locate where you saved it and double click it and that should carry out the virus definitions update.

If you don’t want to go through that process, then wait for the avast team to resolve it, which hopefully won’t take too long.

This does not work/

I saw hundreds of posts like this in the English and Spanish forums both… so we will have to wait until avast! can figure this out. It’s a shame, because it’s an excellent antivirus, but I will have to uninstall and use a different antivirus until this is resolved so we dont risk all our machines, since we surf the web all day long… I hope it is fixed soon and good luck!!

Well some information might not go amiss as in why, what errors did you get ?
What version of avast are you using free/pro/AIS and what build ?

Oddly I just found the date on my PC was wrong. After the change I was able to update. Did that fix it? How did it change? Why did it work before? In any case it just updated.