Another new update 7.0.1474 ??

???ok I updated 2 days ago to 7.0.1473, this morning I boot up and find THAT update is out of date! Can someone tell me what’s up please. Is the 7.0.1474 actually from Avast?? This is very strange

Yep! looks the same…thanks for updating us ;D

More than happy to. I’ve learned that everyday when I boot up I always check everything in my Avast Internet Security to make sure all is doing it’s job. ’
Thanks Indian for the response!

Actually,Thank you for noticing this :wink:

Looks to be more stable built didnt hang the welcome screen during the first reboot after update ;D

Also,they fixed my BSOD… ;D

Great Job avast team 8)

Definitely much more stable! I do applaud Avast for the quick clean-up of the 7.0.1473 issues.

Avast is the best!

I saw this thread and checked my GUI. No notification to update from 1473 was there but when I tried a manual program update, I got 1474.

I, too received no notification… so then the 1474 is legit? You are far more informed with these things than I?

Oh, it’s most certainly legit but why there is no notification of it’s availability yet is a question.

As I said in one of your many other posts on this, the avast program update cycle to balance server load ass 150million plus users can’t all get it at the same time…

One other post is “many other”?

I have seen more than one other which is why I mentioned it.

I received a notification. What a nice surprise!

Does anybody know yet whether this resolved the BSOD issue in Windows 8?


That is true however I have found that when I manually update one of my computers before avast! indicates there is an update that the other two computers very shortly thereafter indicate there is an update. It has happened more than once. Coincidence? Got me ;D