Another off-topic question

If the moderators in some Minecraft server forums permanent-bans the unsuspecting user, (who did not do bad things nor did he be disrespectful to him) should the moderator proclaim the public apology for permanent-banning that user by mistake?

Disclaimer: This does not apply to Avast! forums.


What or how does your “off topic” question relate to Avast or this Forum ???

Did you read the disclaimer stating that it does not relate to Avast forums?

OP: I am just asking questions.

I think you need to move on with this questioning of your Minecraft ban, you’ve already had one topic on the issue and were given our opinions… it’s between the Minecraft Admins and yourself and it’s not to do with us so please move on.

You mean I will create another account to have my original account (MatthewStevenGo) be unbanned by request? I am just asking

You need to settle this with the other forum. It has nothing to do with this forum.
This Topic shouldn’t even be here.

What I mean is…if it wasn’t clear enough the first time ::slight_smile: is that this questioning has nothing to do with us or this forum so please stop asking.

@ MatthewGo707
You have already had a very lengthy topic about this already, this dead horse has been well and truly flogged. The short answer is we can’t do anything to help you with problems at other forums.

If you continue raising this I can see you having a time out in this forum also.