Another one...somebody stop me please !

Here I go again… few days rellaxing, and today, I finished my “Matri-X-kin”.

Few days ago, Vlk mentioned to me, that he would like to see one skin with Matrix idea… well… maybe, this is it…

Sorry, no picture this time, I had to remove it… (afterwards)
But still, you can take a look at some modified versions lower in this thread.

Cheers !

Wow! :o Nice Job!

Hey man… Cool skin again…
If you do not stop we will have tons of skins ;D

But it is not available at

Am I right to think that in that page there is a specific mention of me and techie??

Zigote. A new fancy bio-skin for all techies and technicals! :slight_smile:

WOAH! Killer skin!

Thanks guys for your compliments… I’m very happy when I see you guys like my work… finally, I made all those skins for you Avast! users… I just like to draw and do some experiments in Photoshop, Fireworks and CorelPhotoPaint…

OK, too many skins in such a short period of time… I have to slow down a little bit… but, I couldn’t resist… Vlk gave me wonderful Matrix idea, and here is the rusult. I’ve also heard that Martin is finishing his version of Matrix style skin. Wonderful, we’ll have two Matrix skins in download section… finally, skins download section is finally ALIVE !!!

Technical wrote:

But it is not available at

No, it’s not available yet. Vlk must perform all those tests (even I tested it hundred and more times) and after that he’ll give his approval and upload it there… Don’t worry, we’ll alarm you as we always do.

Cheers !

finally, skins download section is finally ALIVE !!!


craftec, nice skin indeed. very good work for this forum. thank you.

Thanks Ogw… it’ll be some more skins in the future… I hope !

Cheers !

you keep spoiling us with your new skins :smiley: :smiley:
soon, we will be skins’ addicts ;D ;D
Good job Sasha ;D ;D

Hehe… no one can spoil such a nice bunch of people. You should just see all those wonderful, juicy button transition effects in this skin…

Someone will find this skin too colorful and ugly, but let me repeat myself one more time… there is no other way to make Matrix style skin simple looking. That’s very complex theme and it requires very complex design. If still some people think this is too much, well… no one force them to use this one, or even to download it and install it. They can always use some of the rest of skins from skin download section… there are some good looking skins too, and everyone can find something for him. That’s the only reason why I always post my new skin’s picture preview here in group, prior to uploading it in skin download section.

There is no option in download section (I think it should be there… Vlk, can you suggest that, please ?) to click on small picture of particular skin and enlarge the preview. That way people can see easier and much more precise what are they going to download. If they don’t like the picture preview in the first place, they won’t waste their precious time to download it… that’s my humble opinion.

Mina (and others), you can click this following link and check out my Online GFX portfolio if you are interested. NOTE: You need to have Flash player plug-in installed for your internet browser in order to see it. I did all presentation in Flash MX 2004. One more thing… for all those who still use dial-up, you’ll have to wait for 1,9 Mb to load few minutes… there is so many pictures, so it takes memory and some time… link:


Sasha, besides what you say (that way people can see easier and much more precise what are they going to download. If they don’t like the picture preview in the first place, they won’t waste their precious time to download it…), the skin could be released as a beta versions for user tests and opinions. ;D

It looks quite nice and i do not want to be called " to be a partypooper", but don´t you see a little Copyright problem?

Anyway, I don’t think it’s professional to do that. That’s the only reason I always send that to Vlk. I’m sure they will not release it for public if something is wrong with my skin. If I send skins to users for testing, and I send more that 10 skins all around the world, and they find bugs or errors, who will exterminate all those buggy skins ? So, it’s best to wait a little bit longer.

Vlk and company will test it and search for bugs. Anyway, if few users find somethig that is no bug, but they have their visions of that skin and how it should look (design suggestions), than I lose my design originality… right ? Look at that this way… 100 people suggest to me to change something different in skin… what should I do ?

Cheers !

To be a beta tester is a professional thing :-
I’m not talking about bugs but opinions, suggestions, video and refreshing troubles… You know.

Did you read the raman’s post? ;D

I was talking about myself… read it here:

S.Z.Craftec wrote:

Anyway, I don't think it's professional to do that. That's the only reason I always send that to Vlk.

I meant, it’s not professional of me to release that skin without approval from Alwil guys first. :wink:

I’m aware that you are not talking about bugs. That’s why I wrote in my last post these lines:

Anyway, if few users find somethig that is no bug, but they have their visions of that skin and how it should look (design suggestions), than I lose my design originality... right ? Look at that this way... 100 people suggest to me to change something different in skin.. what should I do ?

If I want to listen all those, let’s say 100 people, where would be my original idea ? I mean, I will listen for some crucial repairs, and that’s for sure, but all those: “…I want that button to be red, I want it to be green, corners must be little less sharp…”. That way, I’m not the author of the skins any more… try to understand me Technical. Well, it’s strange, there is always more critics people than designers in the world (I don’t think of someone specifically, don’t get me wrong ths time). ActiveSkin (SkinBuilder) is available on the internet (it’s trial version, but you can always spend some money and buy it if you think it will be of any use to you), so people, take shovels in your hands and let me see your artwork. That way, you can always make something you think it’s the best solution. 1000 different people, 1000 different achievements… that is what skin designing makes even more interesting…

Technical wrote:

To be a beta tester is a professional thing :-\ I'm not talking about bugs but opinions, suggestions, video and refreshing troubles... You know.

I know that beta tester is very serious job (I did it myself few times with certain utility programs), but I’ve never heard that someone (except programmers) tests additional skins… ??? For example… WinAMP and BSplayer skins tests no one except programmers themselves.

Yeah, that’s the only reason I sent it to Vlk first… he himself and guys from Alwil Software will do all needed tests we metioned up there… and… I really don’t want to release skin without testing first. Someone in the world could find some bug and he maybe doesn’t know that that specific bug comes from skin designer, and he’s the guilty one’n’only… but he may thing: “Oh, another s****y antivirus program, even graphics contains some bugs…”. This program is wonderful and I don’t wanna ruin it’s reputation with my s****y skin bugs, ever !

People from my motherland (Croatia) started to use this antivirus intensively since they noticed that one of their natives (Croatian) made some skins for it. I want as much people as it’s possible, to use this wonderful antivirus, and I will do everything that’s in my power to keep it that way and to promote it even more.


SZ, Raman started an interesting idea: the picture of Neo is certainly nice but aren’t you somehow violating the copyrights of the Matrix publisher (Warner Bros)…


Any lawyers in here?

Vlk wrote:

SZ, Raman started an interesting idea: the picture of Neo is certainly nice but aren't you somehow violating the copyrights of the Matrix publisher (Warner Bros)...

OK, I don’t know anything about it… but, you gave me an idea in the first place. Believe me, there is no other way, we can make Matrix skin and not to use some of Matrix symbols. No, problem, I can change it and replace it with something else, but then it will not be a Matrix style skin anymore.

Give me an idea and I’ll change that display into something else…
that way, I should replace those Matrix blury, falling letters, everything that is somehow connected to Matrix, otherwise there always will be that somebody who doesn’t have anything other cleaver to do, than sue me for violating the copyrights of the Matrix publisher… that sucks… there is so many modifications of Matrix skins, pictures, commercials on the internet and TV.

In my case, the most important thing is:

I do NOT make any money on these skins. That’s just my vision and my creativity…

If you want me to stop with this, just say and I’m gonne…

…and you all guys talk about Raman… Who is Raman and where can I read his post ?

Cheers !

This is in my opinion not part of the copyright law. Sasha has no mney put into this so why would it break the law?

Thanks my friend for your generous support, but I’m not gonna risk and make some people mad without any reason… I’m very calm guy, I like to help people (everybody knows that), I’m a very good friend (everybody says that), and I would like to stay that way (I know that)…

So… “Matri-X-kin” doesn’t exist any more… I destroyed that idea…
But, what I just did, is that I transformed few bitmaps into something else… very similar, but nothing much to associate it with that movie… No more Neo’s picture, no more “the name of the skin” logo, and skin is no more under the same name… Now, it’s called “Techno by SZCraftec”.

I’m tired of all this… I think I’m just gonna go…

OK, if you scroll a little bit lower in this thread, you’ll find new (reconstructed) version… if you like it, upload it, if not, forget about this one… no hard feelings, life was always like that.

Cheers !

Hey, no, I wasn’t suggesting to abandon the Matrix idea… After all, it was me who asked for it in the first place!

I meant absolutely no offense, all I wanted to say is that I’m a bit worried if someone couldn’t take the skin and say: “Hey, you’re not supposed to do this! This is mine!”…

Personally I believe the skin is OK even from the copyright point of view but I wanted to know what other people think about it, too…
