Another Query of Trojan Horse or False Positive??

Hi im using windows 7 x86 and have avast pro av buid 5.0.504 av update 10014-0 and when i visited this Avasts web shield blocked the site saying it had detected a Trojan Horse? Anyone else can support this? Please note ive broke the link with wxw instead of www.

What kind of support do you need? Page from the site really contains malicious script located betwwed tags and .

Just wanted confirmation that its really a virus rather than a false positive what with me using build 504 of avast that is all.

It isn’t just that page, the site home page also, so it appears that the site has been hacked and this obfuscated javascript script tag inserted in many pages (if not all) including the favicon.ico file that browser will try to load when they open a page.

See, this shows avast isn’t alone in finding this page infected.

Yes thanks for that info DavidR, Very much appreciated :slight_smile:

You’re welcome.

Hi avast fan,

Site sure has a trojan, half of the scanners there flag it, re:
