Another reputation checker...a scam by Watchguard?

Hi malware fighters,

You checked at URLVoid, you checked at blocklists, but did you check here:
Enter domain/IP, but I tested bad domains, and all got the same reputation 50% green 50% green.
And this very good site has a 78% bad reputation:
And this dangerous URL on 12 counts: counts is found to be OK? (Yes, folks, there were 2524 threats found on this site, and Watchguard says it is green!!!)

Is this an overall scam?


Yes, it sounds very much like a scam towards the uninformed who very much like reputation scanners because they think they know best when in fact, they do not.

Reputation scanners can be, and are, used by malware producers to lure the uninformed and the unaware into bad sites where malware lurks in the shadows.

Seems to be no (real) scam site, nevertheless it’s absolutely useless…!