I have had avast 4 home installed on my XP SP1 machine for a few months and working fine. Now, when I start Avast Home, I am getting the no access circle on the tray icon. The 2 avast services in services.msc are set to automatic but do not start when the computer boots and when I try to start them.
I get the message: Could not start avast service on local computer
Error 193: 0xc1
And when you click the tray icon the message: The AAVM System detected an RPC error.
I have tried uninstall, reboot, reinstall, reboot 3 times and it does not work. The same errors occur. I even tried downloading the external control program, listed on the general topic on this board, and used the Brute Removal tool but that did’t work out either. I have searched on the web and Microsoft for the 193: 0xc1 error and can’t find anything. Also, I have gone to windows update and there are no critical updates. All other automatic services start up on boot except avast. Any idea what is happening?
This error is not caused directly by AVAST. It is usually indicative of a problem within the Windows Kernel Stack Dump.
TXLDERR_BOOTSTRAP /Error 193 0xC1… unable to bootstrap KERNEL is another form of the error message.
The 0xC error messages indicate that a kernel-mode process or driver incorrectly attempted to perform a memory operation. This error message is typically caused by a faulty device driver or software.
You can try searching the Microsoft Knowledge Database for “fixes”. Microsoft has a downloadable Debugger utility, but unless you are very confident in using such tools, then you may want to try going back to a “restore point”, or doing a partial reformat of Windows.
I will do some more research as there can be many causes for the error.
You can try to isolate the “offender” by using MSCONFIG to shut down a few programs at a time to see if you can get Avast to load and run properly. If you can isolate the cause, then we can fix it easily. (I hope. ;D)
Until I get back to you, do the simple preventive measures:
Diskscan with “repair errors on disk automatically” set and
Defrag the hard dirve.
Well, I have tried scandisk and defragging (needed to do that anyway). I searched the MS knowledge base and some more on google groups and not to much help there. The topics were so random, it was hard to narrow anything down. I went into MSCONFIG and disabled ALL startup programs. No luck. I did a repair install on XP, which replaces system files while leaving programs and settings alone. I also went to MS Update and reapplied Service Pack 1 and all major security patches. Still the same errors occur. I am at a loss and besides doing a fresh install, I don’t know what to do… Before this happened I was trying to do a benchmark with UMark for Unreal Tournament 2004 retail and I picked the wrong ini file. The screen went totally weird. If you can imagine your screen having a seizure and I am almost positive now that this is what did it. I didn’t really consider it until techie mentioned a faulty device driver or software. I did reinstall my video and sound card drivers and that, of course, did nothing. If this sparks anymore ideas, would apprciate hearing them. Thanks.
Why did I surprise you? Am I showing a bit more intelligence than usual. hahaha
Right now, dorkus has done just about everything I can think of, short of a reinstall of the OS.
The one thing that you can try is to go into the Control Panel/Add Remove/Avast…and click on Remove. You should now be given the option to Repair Avast. Try the repair. At this point, I will be doing a bit more research if the repair does not work. That would mean that a file is corrupted within Windows XP.
Each time I have uninstalled (3 or 4) total, I tried the repair tool first in the uninstall menu and it didn’t work.
I have had AVG just before this and the Norton (2003? - built computer 2 years ago) 90 day trial when first installed os. Each one uninstalled through Add/Remove programs on control panel. If I have had Avast working for a good while, could a previously installed AV software be causing what is going on now? I am at work right now but when I get home tonight or tomorrow I will try and post processes. I am assuming it is done through the task manager or maybe administrative group on the start menu. Forgot to mention running XP HOME. I also tried sending an email on the unrealmark site to see if they had anything to add but it was a comments page and not a support page so who knows if I will hear anything.
I actually can’t figure out how to export processes to a text file. I came across another error. Avast will try to do a scan of the hard drive and when it finishes, I get an error:
Norton 2003 could be the problem. If you are not confident to make a Registry cleaning, format and reinstall will be the best and believe me, the fast, way to get a stable system.
If you can, please, make at least 3 partitions in your HDD:
Programs (and OS)
Personal data and configuration files (Office templates, etc.)
Backup/System Restore/Setup files/Miscelaneous
This way you will be able to recover your data and configuration when something wrong occurs with the program (1) partition…
I don’t know if XP Home has or not this feature: Administrative Tools > Services > Action > Export list.
My friend, only few forums hear you in fact
I agree with Technical. It may be time to reformat and start over.
“Splash cannot execute the following program” simply means that Avast cannot “connect” to the application from where you are trying.
The error code 0x0000001 is not really a code but a memory location.
I doubt if the problem is with Avast but more likely a corrupted Windows operating system file since you state you can access and run Avast from the file directly. My guess would be a Kernel file. You can try to download and install a new one from Microsoft (but a reformat is just as easy and covers ALL the OS files).
Norton is not easy to remove and sometimes does not cause problems until it butts heads with a program like Avast.
AVG usually (once uninstalled) does not cause problems.
I believe that Technical had put together detailed Norton removal instructions sometime back. You can try to search for the info, or ask Technical, should you not want to reformat right away.
I actually already do have my hd with 4 partitions
XP, linux, programs, and media. But slightly different than what you suggested. I also did initiallly find the export list for services but didn’t think that was what you were looking for because it looks like a big garbled mess. I’ll try to upload it anyway, but I am leaning towards a format/reinstall. I was thinking of getting another hd and installing windows on it and mount my original one as slave so I definitely wouldn’t lose any of my data. Think it would work that way? Never tried it. Thanks for the help!
A quick look into your list and I can see you do not have avast! running right now (both services are not started). RPC is working but I’ll do a little more research about this…
About the other question, I think that using the actual HDD as slave will work perfectly for restoring (do not forget to change the jumpers and connect the cables correctly).
I think that Linux and XP in the same system is not a ‘solved’ trouble… A lot of sad users have this configuration.
Yeah that is the problem. When you try to start the service up, that’s when you get the 0xc1 error. They are impossible to start. As far as linux and XP go, I have been running dual boot for quite awhile with no problems, but I don’t use it (linux) that much anymore and would rather use the space for XP. Don’t know if I will have time to actually get another hd before I reformat, but would like to.
You reply to a topic that is over 8 years old, so the context is completely different as this will have been in avast4 and this error was at that time most commonly associated with an other AV installed or remnants of a previous AV.
Not to mention your solution (link) doesn’t mention this RPC error error and is for the latest avast business product, not avast Home 4.x