As you can see, only 5 out 31 AVs detected it as a Trojan, including Microsoft and McAfee. I submitted the file to Avast via the Chest with some comments and hope to see the reason it is not detected since that Trojan seems to be rather old.
I have been using Avast Home for a few months only and I am a bit worried about its effectiveness compared to other AVs. I was recommended this software by some IT guys so I expected it to be one of the best ones… Well, I hope this is just a very exceptional case… I really like the fast engine of Avast and swift updates, and I wouldn’t like to have to pay McAfee their yearly subscriptions…
Not a software is perfect.
avast is improving itself.
But it’s not as fast with all infections.
But McAfee, from time to time, will lose the battle too.
So, you need to be self-confident with your antivirus from a serious company.
But you did the right thing, complain
Here is what the virus does, description from another av-vendor, translated into English for those that cannot read Spanish:
Well, though the trojan is different this time, another one is circulating as a “” postcard that again is not detected by Avast. Just received this one today:
File Wippo-Chat.exe received on 06.10.2008 21:35:56 (CET)
Same as before, I submitted the file using the Chest service, and I will keep the file to test when Avast becomes aware of it… The last one I submiited in May still goes undetected by the latest version of Avast, but now 50% of the AV software detects it according to (in May was only 16%).
These results do not talk well about Avast since they can not say they don’t know about the particular trojan… and still a month can go by without an antidote. Now I am thinking that this is not an exceptional case as I supposed…