another URLMAL help

Process: C:\Program Files\Mozilla Firefox\firefox…
Infection: URL:Mal
this is the warning I got from using blogger I use regularly (and just started last week) and it only appears there only but searching web and doing things “normal” are ok on system

I have been looking through these forums originally as “guest” thinking I will get issue resolved but I have finally given up any ideas on how to get rid??

many thanks

just wanted to run a small update I ran the site in question (had no replies yet on this…) but went here to run test on site that has been detected by avast and appears to be “clean” running on this site >>

Just to re-iterate I ran the suggestions made on posts regarding URL:MAL but it looks on my system not made much difference and is only happening on one site only (so is avast picking up a FALSE POSITIVE on this feed in particular??) as I have ran what was suggested in posts and has came up nothing which I do not understand.