Another USB Keyboard Issue

I have a Dell SX 280. I previously had trouble with boot-time scans. I used the modified ASWBoot.exe posted by vojtech in this thread and things were just fine.

Then, I stupidly let my trial run out. When I put my reg code in, the boot time scanner stopped working again.

USB is enabled on boot in BIOS and the PC has no PS/2 slots. Avast versin is 4.7.892.

Does anyone have any ideas?

Have you tried downloading the zip file and replacing the aswboot.exe, keeping the aswboot.exe.sum in the same folder, without it avast’s self checking function will replace the modified aswboot.exe

(unzip the file and put both extracted files to your system folder - C:\WINDOWS\system32)

Which version are you trying to register (Home or Pro)?
Is there any error message or just the boot time scanning does not start?
Are other parts of avast working?

The linked thread is rather old and refers to an obsolete version of avast!. So, it’s certainly not a good idea to try to use the modified file in current version (it won’t work).
Btw, I believe noone ever reported any results with Vojtech’s modified version, so nobody knows if they made any difference or not.

OK, but was there anything in that modified aswboot.exe to load usb drivers or any way to do that to give basic usb keyboard support for boot scans ?

David - yes, I did exactly what you’ve suggested.

Igor - I can report some positive results. It worked with this version before I registered the product. It’s only been since the reg key was put in that there’s been an issue.

Tech - I’m using Home version. I should have been more clear about the symptoms. Boot scan runs fine. I just can’t do anything with the infected files.

Something wrong with USB keyboard… Strange as it is enabled on BIOS ::slight_smile:

krakkerz, I’ve built a new test version:
Please try again.