Anti-Exploit Shield - Win32:MsfShell-V detected

I am getting the pop-up stating Threat secured - We’ve secured cmd.exe [260] because it was infected with Win32:MsfShell-V [Hack].

Threat name Win32:MsfShell-V [Hack]
File path cmd.exe [260]
Origin C:/WINDOWS\system32\cmd.exe
Detected by Anti-Exploit Shield
Status Detected

I’m not able to find any information about resolving the issue.
When I close the window, it pops back up right away.

Any suggestions?

Hello mancillaj, welcome to the community.

Maybe your machine has something malicious on it. Try to run full scan and see what detects.
BTW I suppose you’re meaning “Win32:MsfShell-V [Hack]” instead of “Win21”…

Thanks for responding. Not sure with the “21” came from, but you are correct, it should be “32”. I have updated my original post.
I had ran a full scan using Avast and it didn’t find anything.
I also ran a full scan using Malwarebytes, nothing found there either.

Have you tried running a Avast Boot Time Scan or a scan from other bootable media e.g. Avast Rescue Disk (bootable USB)?

I performed the boot time scan and that cleared up the issue.

Thanks again

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Good to see Boot time scan did the trick. Have a good year!