Anti Ransomeware Module Blocks MS Office

When Anti Ransomeware Shield is enabled, MS Office can not save files - permision denied.

When Anti Ransomeware Shield is disabled, MS Office can save files normally (Word and Excel)

Avast Internet Security 17.7.2314 build 17.7.3660.244
definitions 171102-0

MS Office 2010 Starter
Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit SP1

Intel Core i5; 4GB RAM

Ransomware Shield - FAQ:


This is the section that answered the question:

You can specify which applications Ransomware Shield allows or blocks. Follow these steps:

Open the Avast user interface.
Go to Protection ▸ Ransomware Shield.
Click Blocked / allowed apps.
Click Block an App or Allow an App, then select an application and click Open.
The application appears in the relevant list.

You’re welcome.