Most likely you do unless using a private mailserver
all mail providers have spam/virus filter on there mail servers so it is already scanned before you recive it
also, any file saved to disk is scanned by avast file shield … scanned when saved, access, run, moved, …
Same here with Outlook 2013 32bit edition. If I reenable the add-in I crash Outlook.
Reinstalled Outlook, Reinstalled Avast Internet Security, tried regsvr32 for asOutExt.dll…
All I managed to do was screw up my view settings in outlook.
v17.9.2322 12/21/17 Avast was the beginning of it.
I sure get a lot of spam without that tool! Outlooks tools suck to Junk the Spam! >:(
Clearly whatever addin in place here is not working as it was before. I tried looking for any “improvements” or changes in the latest release suggesting that this feature was not part of the new release and didn’t see anything.
Regardless of what my mailserver has or doesn’t this is functionality we paid for and is not working.
May I have a status or some troubleshooting ideas please? Thank you.
Thanks for the reminder! Honestly, I have been using Avast Anti-Spam tools in Outlook for so long I forgot there were even settings to change in Outlook! The tools I was referring to was to mark as SPAM and move to Junk those items that got through. It’s so easy to use the AVAST! toolbar to process the Junk that gets through. Select and click.
I still want to get a fix but your suggestion makes it a bit easier to wait!
Do these posts of trouble issues get reviewed by AVAST employees who can pass along the reports?
I’ve never had many issues with the products (been using them since Windows XP was released in 64 bit form).
The same thing happened to me. I am running 64 bit Windows 10, version 1709 (the Creators Update) and Office 2013. I’ve tried everything, running repair/reinstall on Office, removing and reinstalling Avast,and deep scans for viruses and and malware. This all started with the “Creators Update” on 12/21/2017 and 3 subsequent updates on 12/23/2017. Check your update history.
Interestingly, my wife’s laptop is running 32 bit Windows 10 and got the same updates. But she is using Office 2007 and is having no problems.
Both computers are running Avast Internet Security version 17.9.2322 build 17.9.3761.0
For Reference I have not yet installed the 1709 Creators Update, I am still running 1703 Windows. The update that caused my particular problem was an AVAST update. I STILL do not have 1709 installed - I have the Windows Update service disabled and I decide when to do updates. Hope they don’t block me from doing that anytime soon. Worked with a client Thursday the 30th who lost their ability to run their Sage Accounting software with 1709 - on two different PC’s so we had to roll them back and disable updates for a while. We’ll run the updates, after they “swat the bugs”!
Fine. Could you be so kind and inform us where that dll is located. A am still suffering from “avast abuse”: 1) my outlook had crashed and I-do-not-how managed to recovwer it; 2) reinstalling (“clean reinstall”) caused crash of my windows nad 3) “sucessful” reinstalling (after uninstalling avast with uninstall utility) did not change anything - avast plugin disappeared with no trace.
In Outlook add by hand:
for 32bit version: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\AsOutExt.dll
for 64bit version: C:\Program Files\AVAST Software\Avast\x64\AsOutExt.dll
This problem still persists - I’ve tried everything suggested to no avail - the Avast Anti-Spam Add-In no longer works and the buttons are still missing from the Ribbon even though the Add-In shows it being installed and active.
Current environment: Win7 Ultimate SP1, MS Office Professional Plus 2010 - Outlook V14.0.7194.5000 (64-bit), Avast IS V18.2.2328 (build 18.2.3827.307)
This Add-In is sorely missed and as part of the software solution I’ve paid for, I’d like to have an update as to when Avast will fix this issue.