Hi, I’m a new anti theft user. I’m testing it on 2 phones; Samsung galaxy s4 and Samsung Grand 2. Both of them are on my account. I’ve noticed that the only command working is the localisation of a phone. When I send sms to the Grand 2; (pin) CC ALL - there is no response and this text is showing on the sms log of the other phone. Command (pln) CALL makes the Grand 2 block and no call is made. On the website I’m getting info: Not able to connect. … Am doing something wrong or what is the problem?
Hi, I am also a user Anti Theft and Internet Security Users on 2 phones Galaxy S2 and Galaxy S4 + 1 tablet (Samsung Galaxy Tab). I am getting “We were unable to connect to your device” when trying ANY command, on ALL my devices. What is going on???
Google has to wake up the device to start communicating with our back-end. Which fails for your device. It can be turned off, offline, or there might be an issue on Google or our side, but we just tested several devices and they respond normally
No luck. ALL commands fails. Could it have anything to do with 2-step verification? I enabled this a few weeks ago? https://www.google.com/landing/2step/
I used the “Check connection problems” in the Android UI, and found that my account was not properly linked. I unlinked from my mobile device, and relinked on all devices, and now it works. So if anyone experiences the same, try to relink to your avast account again.