Anti-theft PIN/recovery number endless loop

I’ve just installed Avast/Anti-theft for the first time on my Galaxy S4. I selected the Anti-Theft option and downloaded the Update Agent as instructed. I then opened the Update Agent and set a 5-digit PIN. It then told me to set a recovery phone number, so I did that (set it to my wife’s number). Now whenever I select the Anti-Theft option I get prompted to enter my Avast PIN, but when I enter it I get an error message saying “PIN Recovery not set - please set the recovery phone number in the Settings”. When I try to do this (again) in Settings I get the warning message and click “I Understand”. It then prompts me to enter my PIN and I go into the same loop again - “PIN Recovery not set - please set the recovery phone number in the Settings”.

I guess the lack of any response means this can’t be fixed, so will uninstall the app

I’m not sure I understand you correctly. So installed avast! Mobile Security, set PIN and then the PIN Recovery number, but you still get the PIN Recovery not set message in the PIN dialog? In Mobile Security’s Settings, you should see the current “Phone number for PIN recovery” in the subtitle of its row. Is it there?

I cannot set the pin because when I try, it tells me to set the phone number in settings. When I go to settings and try to set the phone number, it only gives me the pin screen. There is no way I can get to the screen to set my phone number. Thanks for the help.

So you set the PIN, but never set the recovery number and forgot your PIN?


No, I cannot set the pin because it says I need to set the phone number. But when I try to set the phone number it takes me to the screen to set the pin, and I can’t set the phone number that will allow me to set the pin.

You never have to set up any phone number to set up PIN. If you have PIN, you can set up a phone number for recovery in case you forgot your PIN. Are you sure you never set any PIN? Did you try your usual combinations? Or 0000?


No I did not set a pin. When I go to the evter avast! PIN it says, “PIN Recovery not set” And it does nothing else. I did try all the ordinary possiblilties for the pin and nothing.

I cannot upgrade the software either without entering a PIN and I can’t do that. Do I uninstall and reinstall?

Uninstall and reinstall of all the apps (including Anti-Theft and Backup) should get rid of the PIN, yes.


I did that, and when I go to enter the phone number to reset the pin, i have to enter a pin #. But I can’t, I don’t have one. i cannot update the anti theft module of the avast software. I deleted the program, shut off the phone, reinstalled the program and i did not have to enter an e-mail address, it went back to the one i had used to first sign up with. Help.

I guess you didn’t uninstall Anti-Theft. There are multiple guides around the forum on how to do so.


I cannot uninstall the anti theft. I am forced to enter a pin number and I don’t have one. No phone number listed to send it to. Can’t put the phone number in unless i put in the pin number. I don’t know the pin number. i do not remember ever entering a pin number. Can i find the pin number anywhere? Can anyone there reset it?

Finally found it after many tries.

You found the PIN? So it is a number you have once entered, correct?
