Hi guys, I noticed a problem in device’s info in my account on my.avast.com
On the site is reported that I don’t have Avast Anti-Theft installed on my phone but it isn’t true!!! :o I have regularly installed Anti-theft on my phone and it is active. I tried to see if it works by sending to my phone an sms to block it and it’s works fine. so what’s the matter? in this way I can’t control my phone by the site in case I lose it
did you already do a connection check (Anti-Theft → account settings)? what was the result?
the connection check in account settings doesn’t found any issue, on my.avast.com the device result connected properly and the online status is updated regularly on 60 minutes
I don’t really see what could be the cause of your problem. But I’m quite sure you can fix it by:
- disconnecting the installation from the web portal
- reconnecting it from within Anti-Theft (anti-theft → basic settings → avast! Account)
we made a bugfix in the backend, please try again (especially if you have strange operator name containing non-standard characters e.g. some chinese network operators)
I had this issue also, following the above instructions rectified the situation.
I also had this issue and the instructions above fixed it. Before I had tried to disable/enable anti-theft several times and rebooting it in between and it never fixed the issue. Thanks
disconnect from your account on the device, then connect again. ;D
Doesn’t work for me. It seems to be down. So I cannot disconnect and reconnect.
please try again.
I’ve tried more than a few times each day. Here is a screenshot on my 10th time this week.
So I gave up and finally uninstalled for a third time, and did it slightly differently. I removed the whole Anti-Theft (from root) and the Avast Mobile Security, and then rebooted phone. Then logged into web portal and removed all devices.
Then re-installed the Avast Mobile Security and then installed Anti-Theft to root. Then connected to my web portal, and checked my web portal and now it looks like its synced.
I’m going to use the above process each time if the Avast upgrades from market or self-check updates screws up.