Anti-Theft root access problem

I have the mobile app installed on my HTC One X+. I have root and have granted access to Mobile Security. I am able to use the firewall.

However I have enabled Anti-Theft but it does not seem to request/is granted superuser. I do not get a message from my superuser app (SuperSU) that Anti-Theft has requested root access. The “Hard Reset Protection” options are all grayed out. I do not believe the problem is SuperSU as I have a number of other apps that have been given root access without any problems.

Any suggestions?



did you install Anti-Theft rooted? Not only your system needs to be rooted, the installation itsself has to be done rooted too.
please check
Anti-Theft - System State - Root Installation
to see if it’s installed rooted. To install it rooted uninstall (just use the uninstall wizard in Mobile Security’s settings) and reinstall in advanced mode.

I have newest Nexus 7 2013 (WIFI only) with KitKat rooted and although I chose rooted installation, System State says it’s not rooted and “Hard Reset Protection” options are all grayed out as well. I tried to install it both ways (direct and and my installation is still not rooted :confused:

Is there any option to get into Anti-Theft on only Wifi tablet (so without dialer) when you delete Antivirus app?


now I see the problem. It’s Android 4.4. We’ll release an update that fixes your problem in a few days.

Is there any option to get into Anti-Theft on only Wifi tablet (so without dialer) when you delete Antivirus app?
yes. if you pair your installation with your account, you can send a web command to open the interface.
