[Anti-Theft] UPDATE.zip installation failed

Hello guys…

First of all i would to thank you for your awesome apps both in pc and also in mobile. :slight_smile:

Now, i have some problem in performing root installation for avast anti-theft…
get through the installation wizard…now select method for root installation…

I tried both all the method given…

  1. Direct write…it’s fine…check installation status OK
    Now i tried test if it survive with factory reset, here’s what i did in CWM recovery based…
    -wipe data
    -wipe cache
    -wipe dalvik
    flash the ROM … no sign of avast existances
  2. Edify binary 1 … failed to install
Installing: /emmc/UPDATE.zip Finding update package... Opening update package... Installing update... Avast! anti theft edify update script Performing update... Mounting mount points... mount() expects 3 args. got 4 E:Error in /emmc/UPDATE.zip (Status 7) Installation aborted.
3. Edify binary 2 ... failed to install
Installing: /emmc/UPDATE.zip Finding update package... Opening update package... Installing update... Avast! Anti-Theft Edify Update Script Performing update... Mounting mount points... Can not mount /dev/block/mmcblk0p9 to /system, aborting proces called abort() E: Error in /emmc/UPDATE.zip (Status 7) Installation aborted.

I’m on Samsung Galaxy S2 with custom ROM (2.3.6 Based)

PS* The latest Avast! youtube video teaser there is web apps support for mobile anti theft, is it available?

We are aware of this problem and we are working on it; if you use amend method will it fail or not?

And is it S-off or S-on bootloader?

Thank you for the replies.

I’ve try amend method before and the CWM recovery refused to install it because it’s an old method and recommend to use an edify method instead…i guess that what the messages about.

On your latest anti-theft i saw there’s an exclusive method for cyanogenmod rom based(which not my custom rom so unavailable to me), hopefully it’ll open another door to more universal rom updater… :slight_smile:

The bootloader is unlocked on SGS2, since i were able to flash another kernel to it…
I think s-off and s-on stuff is HTC problem …please correct me


True. I did try to update it on SGS with google d**mned ICS update; update scripts from anitheft are OK, but CWM uses some other method for updating and flashing the zip file, so the kernel and the bootloader is not happy for that; so far please try to reboot in original fastboot mode and try to install update.zip from SD card. may be rogue mthod could help for CWM (I suppose you have the latest version of CWM). Anyway please let me know the results. Thx.

Thanks Jan for taking to try it on SGS …
Ok i tried like what u said, first i flashed the an original official stock kernel, then go to android system recovery…but it still fail to flash an update.zip from SD …(signature verification failed)
I also tried with another 3 CWM based recovery(v. kernel…same result as in post 1.

You also mentioning about bootloader, but i can’t take risk to play with bootloader…

Alright, noob question here…If the update script were OK, why it can’t get to work with cwm recovery based and original android recovery? most android rooted phone has ClockWorkMod Recovery as their default recovery, or is it samsung problem ?

Hopefully avast-anti theft will find best solution for this,…:slight_smile:

It is something about CWM, I will try to find out the problem. But I trying it now with e3 bootloader and the problem resists.

Here’s CWM Recovery for Galaxy S2 link

Installing: /emmc/UPDATE.zip
Finding update package…
Opening update package…
Installing update…
Avast! anti theft edify update script
Performing update…
Mounting mount points…
mount() expects 3 args. got 4
E:Error in /emmc/UPDATE.zip
(Status 7)
Installation aborted.

This is the issue I have when I try to update. I am running a ROM based on the latest Sprint update .615 My recovery is TWRP with S on. I can flash .zip files other than this one.

Hi chev_10

can you please send the “Edify binary 2” UPDATE.ZIP to holzner (at) avast.com? I’ll look into it.

best regards

sent :slight_smile:

Thank you for taking time to check it out…

OK with your help i was able to fix the problem. Will be released in next official update.

Good job Reinhard

I already test it with factory reset and Avast anti-theft do survived.

Thanx. :slight_smile:

I have exactly same problem on stock 2.3.6 in Galaxy Ace.

I can’t install anti-theft module in Direct Write Method. It downloads the installer, asks for root and then my phone resets (I managed to read that install failed due to no space left on the device).

I also tried all kinds of update.zip method both in CWM and stock recovery - all failed with errors described above.

Any tips I could try?

See here: http://forum.avast.com/offline/forum.theftaware.com/viewtopic1f8c.html

update 1999 has just been released and it fixes this problem.

Thanks, good to hear you were able to fix it.