Anti-Vermins 2.1

I caught a virus an hour ago. According to avast log I caught a Trojan called Ziob-QT, Ziob-KB, Ziob-OO.
Avast detected the virus and i deleted it. but it did not manage to prevent an installation of a spyware program named Anti-Vermins 2.1.
I googled it and only a few answers came up. it seems to be a very new spyware
I did a system-restore and it disappeared.
Can system-restore really delete the traces of the this program/trojan off entirely? I still find the stupid Antivermins folder in my Program files. Avast scanner detected nothing.
Any advice???

Hi alyx1980,

Doing a System Restore would have removed the registry entries starting up the malware. You should delete any files left behind. Also run these scanners to look for traces:

(Both remove the scamware typically installed by Zlob.)