Anti virus out of date but updated?

Hey, I dont know if anyone else is having this problem or what…

I turned off my pc this morning as usual, and got back from work recently and my pc said that Avast was saying it may be out of date, and it then came up saying it was so I updated it fully and since then Avast has not said that its out of date, I’ve kept checking the updates to make sure theres nothing left…but my ‘Windows Security Centre’ is still saying that my Anti Virus may be out of date…Is there any reason for this? I 've restarted about 5 times but its still not stopped saying that it may be out of date


Check your system date especially the month and year and correct if required.

One of the school computers does that too, except it’s some other antivirus program. I don’t think there’s any way to disable this annoying problem with Windows XP. You can check the box to tell Windows that you don’t want it checking your antivirus program, but it will just be right back where it was before once you reset the computer, complaining that your up to date antivirus is not up to date.

If David’s advice don’t solve the problem, see

Thanks for that, somehow my system date was ‘October’ I dont even get how it did that, but it fixed the problem. Thanks

No problem, glad I could help.

Someone could have used it to check a date in October and didn’t set it back.

Welcome to the forums.