I’ve installed and updated Avast 5.0 Internet Security Suite to the latest patches. However, for me, I don’t have the Anti-spam tool bar. However, under my wife’s account, she does have it.
I’ve tried adding the add-in DLL via my outlook configuration, but it won’t take it. It doesn’t give an error message or anything, but it never adds the tool bar.
Any suggestions? My only recourse appears to be to uninstall and reinstall Avast again.
Once I install the latest version (.507), things look good. However, another issue is the ability to update the program itself. Under .462, I could not get the update to apply for the engine. It keeps telling me I have version .462 and that .507 is available. The virus definitions are up-to-date, but not the program engine. At least, the bottom portion of the update screen tells me that. When I tell it to update, it attempts to download and install and then after a minute or two, it tells me that I’m already up-to-date, yet it still tells me I’m on .462.
I’ve submitted a support ticket along with the log file. In the log file, I found this line that has me concerned:
23:17:55 nrm/fil File C:\Program Files\Alwil Software\Avast5\Setup\setup.ovr not writable. Error 0x00000020
23:17:55 min/gen setif: same as previous
If I attempt to upgrade the .462 with the new install image downloaded from the web, it doesn’t work. I have to actually uninstall the .462 version and install the .507 version clean. I just hope that I don’t run into this same problem when the .507 engine must update.