-I still can manage/control applications!
-I still can change device-settings!
Probably because I have 3 different launchers installed.
When entering settings or applications a popup (showing my 3 launchers) asks me how I want to end the action. I just hit the back button and can make any changes I want.
I don’t think this is the way it should work.
Only option for now is LOCK the device completely with the huge txtscreen shown on the display
Is this problem gonna be solved in the near future??
Can you be please more specific about the “block device, application management and refuse device settings”? There are no such settings on the portal. Generally antitheft can deny program manager access and lock phone settings. The launcher is only the way how to reach it, so the expected behavior is that you can reach the phone settings, but can not change them.
seems you have the same issue as I (since December 08… :-[) : http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=121585.0 still access to Phone Settings (should be ALL locked) and to Program Manager Access (should be denied) !
So, issue not only on Samsung SG3 & SG2 , also on some HTC !
I found how (NO help from reinhardholzner…) to send a debug log :
AMS → settings → about → Send Feedback → check “send the debug log”
I sent one … and received as response : " … stick to the forum thread …" :-[ (see my post http://forum.avast.com/index.php?topic=121585.0)
But I would not say Antitheft is useless this way , It’s usefull but we (many ? ) have to use “Lock Phone: yes”
EDIT: which android version you phone is running ? is your phone rooted ?
I have a nice step by step guide how to create EXTENDED logs.
a) Create an empty file called “avast-debug” on your /sdcard root directory (on Android 4.x phones there might be a user subdirectory in the sdcard path - if yes use that)
The “avast-debug” file will stay empty, as it’s existence is only a flag for the app to generate more detailed log output, which you’ll send later.
b) REBOOT your phone
c) Now Avast generates a lot of log
d) Try to reconstruct your problem
e) After that, open Mobile Security or Anti-Theft (depending in which product your problem occurs) and go to the feedback screen (About)
f) Check “Send system log”
g) Create a case there giving your email address and mention this conversation as well as a short description of the problem (maybe someone else will get the case)
h) Then remove the avast-debug file again
i) REBOOT your phone
j) Everything back to normal