Antitheft uninstall loop

I’ve changed my ROM to AOKP. Then restore the applications with ROM Toolbox App Manager.
The disguised app was installed but it was not working.
I’ve opened AMS and disable it. The program was restored to visible items.
I’ve uninstalled it. But, as I’ve installed it as root, it is there hidden.
I cannot disable the admin device because the disguised app is not shown there anymore.
I can’t uninstall (using root uninstallers either).

What should I do?
Should I uninstall the antitheft each time I’ve change the ROM?

i suggest uninstalling when actually changing the rom!

Yeah… I’ve learned this the hard way…
The better would be a full uninstall and boot before starting the process of changing ROM.
Also, take care of NOT restoring it from the Toolbox or any other full app backup/restore tool.