Antivirus cleaner

About this note…:
avast! Virus Cleaner should be used in case you know or suspect that your computer is infected. It is not meant as an antivirus solution for everyday use! Use e.g. avast! 4 Home/Professional to protect your computer.

It differs from avast! only because the Resident Protection is missing or because can find only the viruses that it can remove ?

For me the cleaner is no AV-Solution, it is a solution for the virus it finds/clean. But i would only download the cleaner if i know that i am infected with one of the mentioned Malware and therefor i need an AV-Programm like 'AVast home/pro!:slight_smile:

It is a bit mistakable note, i think.

It only detects the virrusses showed in the list included in the program (if you press the “ABOUT” button) but it also has the ability to completely remove and or heal the virrusses.

This program only works if your already infected! it gives NO protection at all > it’s just tries to clean up the mess !

its someway the same as the free little AV tools from symantec and Bitdefender etc…

But its certainly NOT enough to keep your pc safe. use Home or PRO from AVAST4.0 full instead.


raman & Waldo are right.
Cleaner and avast! are completely different programs that have absolutely nothing in common (except they’re trying to fight viruses somehow :))

Cleaner is a simple standalone tool able to disinfect specific viruses from your computer. It can only handle the viruses listed on the corresponding web page / in the About box, i.e. a very limited number. It doesn’t have any resident protection, it doesn’t scan inside archives, it doesn’t have any online updates.
On the other hand, if you are really infected (by one of the viruses from the list), Cleaner should be able to disinfect your computer in any situation, e.g. when the virus is active in memory - no need to reboot to safe mode or anything like that. Just run it and let it do its job.

Btw, compare the sizes of both the programs: Cleaner has 220kB (and in fact, it includes 2 identical program versions inside - ANSI and UNICODE), avast! Home has 6.5MB…

OK, I had got right . As other AV cleaner like
And why it is mandatory to disable System Recovery in WinME/XP though _RESTORE folder isn’t infected (It could be helpfull to restore something) ?

PS- for RAMAN. Don’t go saying that AVG can be Installed when Avast is installed . It’s not enough to uncheck the startup table because AVG uses Drivers VxD as resident protection …and is always active even if you don’t see an AVG processor active !!!
TRY with . You should disable the drivers ,adjust the resident protection settings and come back every time you want to switch the AV.

The problem is, that you have to know if it is infected or not. MS uses its CAB Archiver to store the information and Avast /home does not support CAB unpacking. So it is allways safer to disable it.
But only if you are infected, otherwise the Systemrestore is usefull(IMO).

[QUOTE]PS- for RAMAN. Don’t go saying that AVG can be Installed when Avast is installed . It’s not enough to uncheck the startup table because AVG uses Drivers VxD as resident protection …and is always active even if you don’t see an AVG processor active !!!
Why not? It works perfekt, the thing is you have to disable all AVG services. It works fine with MSCONFIG under WinXP. Under Win9x you may have to disable some other things in the System.ini or Registry, But i thing there is an option in AVG that will disable its RTM.

[edit: did not know the “ME” command sorry]

If you’re referring to the Cleaner About box, it’s not “mandatory”, but “recommended” :wink:

You’re right, it’s useless when the restore folder doesn’t contain any viruses, but the program doesn’t know that in advance, does it? You are an experienced user, so you would be able to handle the files that could have been left in the restore folder (since they couldn’t have been deleted), but an inexperienced use may be confused - so you can call it a “security measure”.

On the other hand, disabling any resident antivirus protection before running Cleaner is very important.

The last (and first !) time I had a virus, avast! INFORMED me that I had a Virus in the _RESTORE folder ( and the files that were infected ) . In this case a disable/enable SR had deleted all of the files in the folder ( is a normal procedure in winME).

Raman,of course you can have both but you HAVE Always to remember to adiust the AVG settings every reboot or disable VxD and reboot . And revers this actions to change AV . When you forget some action you have both Resident protections active …and may be a mess !

No, ones disabled, really disabled not only by killing the task, you can still use the AVG on-demand-scanner, the VXD is only needed if you want to use its RTM.

I had 1)startup tab with AVGCC and Avgsrv.exe (not sure if the name is a bit different) unchecked.
2) AVG Resident protection disabled in the preceding boot.
3) No AVG task processor in memory.
In this condition the resident protection was active !
After every Boot one have to adjust the settings to disable resident protection. And you can do this at the end of the starting tasks of all what is in startup tab (2 minutes). Meanwhile both Avast! and AVG resident protection are active … and I can also forget I have to do this boring manual operation .
And it is happened.
Regards , rolando.

Hm, i do not have a Win9x anymore and no AVG6. I have a AVG7 Trialversion at the moment. Maybe an other “AVG-user” can help us here?
BTW: Is it not possible to disable the Resident protection via the AVG Controlcenter?.

 BTW: Is it not possible to disable the Resident protection via the AVG Controlcenter 

Yes,as I said, it is possible and it is a normal operation. But you have to repeat it after every boot .

Last try, you used Msconfig to disable anything belong to avg and Grisoft insystem.ini, win.ini and registry startup?

In Msconfig I have unchecked avg in startup tab and in VxD the two avg drivers ( rember that there wasn’t any avg processor running !).
Now AVG is uninstalled !

The solution for AVG is, after the settings in Resident Protection , SAVE these as DEFAULT. They will be reloaded at every boot.