Like Eddy said, no info at all ;D on that page, of course you do have to download the document first ;D
I’m a little sceptical when microsoft and security are mentioned in the same sentence, somewhat akin to ‘military inteligence,’ the two don’t necessarily go hand in hand ;D
“The_Antivirus_Defense-in-Depth_Guide” stop using Internet Explorer ;D
Leona, I did read it. But I already had a good idea about what it would say before even looking at it. After 24 years working with comps, there isn’t much new to expect in documents like that.
I didn’t read it all, however, much of it is as Eddy said is old or common sense precautions. How much you get out of it is dependant on your overall computer experience.
I think MS would be better server in ensuring security vulnerabilities are closed. This would have a greater effect overall.