Antivirus Service keeps stopping

Somewhere between the Windows 10 fall creators (??) update and Avast Internet Security update the Antivirus Service has decided it doesn’t want to work anymore. It does start (yes, its set to automatic), lasts ?? 5 or 10 minutes and then terminates itself. Nothing obvious in event viewer. Service control manager restarts it 3 times then gives up

I have done a complete uninstall/re-install with the uninstall tool to no avail

Any ideas ??

Windows 10 pro 64bit - version 1709 build 16299.64
Avast 17.8.2318 (build 17.8.3705.249)
Avast definitions 171124-0

tried this?

same result?

yep and the uninstall re-install

I have the same issue. Repaired it and still the same issue.
Cannot modify the service to set it to restart at subsequent failures (access denied), but it works to manually start it.

Should I just create a scheduled job to start it every 5 minutes? Sounds stupid…

I created the following scheduled task:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-16"?> 2017-11-24T21:55:36.5858923 CHARLIEROG\Silviu \Start Avast Service true <QueryList><Query Id="0" Path="System"><Select Path="System">*[System[EventID=7034]]</Select></Query></QueryList> S-1-5-21-1238579878-205138393-2244851056-1001 Password HighestAvailable IgnoreNew true true true true false true false true true false false false true false PT72H 7 PT1M 3 C:\Temp\avast.bat

avast.bat file: powershell C:\temp\avast.ps1
avast.ps1 file: set-service -Name “avast! Antivirus” -Status running

I found that under the system event log there was event 7034 that signaled the service stopping, so that event will trigger the scheduled task to run. Seems to work so far. I hope it helps you.

well that is kind of stupid :wink: i’d rather avast fixed there bug.

but thanks for posting I might have to do that to

I had Windows 7, and was having the same issue. No online fixed the issue. I decided to just un-install. I build a new machine and now have Windows 10. I still had a year or so left on my license and this issue is still here. As it’s been well over 6 months I have now completely lost all faith in AVAST. The “fixes” are not working.

Follow instructions:

I have this same problem with the same symptoms on my Windows 8.1 computer and it occurred this morning while installing:

  • 2017-11 Rollup (KB4050946)
  • Windows Defender Definitions 1.257.1365.0 and 1369.0 (KB2267602)

I’ve tried:

  • repairing using the installer
  • twice removing using the installer then reinstalling
  • removing using the uninstaller in Safe Mode
  • running the DISM with no problems
  • something else that I can’t remember at 02:00

In case there’s some LAN associated issue, I’ll mention that at or near the same time this problem occurred, I was installing the Windows 10 Fall Creators update on my other computer. It messed up that computer in many but different ways. Avast works fine there.