Any clean way to stop avast remediation? (wsc_proxy)

Hello as title says I need some help in stopping this service from starting in my windows. I tryed searching on forum already but all I found is that you need to set updates to manual but that didn’t stop it at all. Any help is greatly appreciated, thanks.

It’s part of Avast. If you’re using the product, it needs to run.
If you’ve uninstalled the product and that service is still running, see if this helps you:

How come then I never had it in 2 years and it just pops up as soon as I block windows updates? I can 100% confirm this thing is new. From my research I found out that it’s related to the security center, so it doesn’t certainly need to run 100% of times.
More info here:

Also another thing I want to add on why I’m 100% sure this is new is the fact that i open the task manager EVERY single day for 2 years cause i’m very picky and OCD with this stuff and avast always had 2 processes in the task manager. It wasn’t updated either so that’s not the cause