Maybe it’s the timing but it seems that since I installed Avast Home I am no longer getting automatic System Resore points. There are no error messages and all other SR functions are OK; can make manual restore points etc. Just wondering if the auto seach for updates is impacting the the “Idle time” function of SR.
Operating system is Windows ME.
I still get auto restore points made with latest version of Avast.
XP usually makes a restore point when U install a program or change certain settings or at idle times.
U could try turnin off auto update for Avast to see if it is the cause.
BaNzI ;D
Try a search of the forums for System Restore and ME, as I believe this has been discussed before and I believe there is a problem with the ME SR and avast (though can’t confirm 100%, I have never used ME).
- Avast does not interfere with automatic restore points.
- Restore points in Windows Me/XP are a farce, they don’t work like MS is trying to belive you.
- It is recommended to disable system restore.
- Use a image of the drive for backup purposes, works much better than those so called restore points.
Wrong–Avast does prevent the automatic creation of System Restore points. Have you ever heard of System Restore causing any operating problems? If not, why would you recommend disabling it. It can’t help but be another safety valve in getting one out of trouble.
Have you ever heard of System Restore causing any operating problems? If not, why would you recommend disabling it.My personal take on this is, if you can't rely on it 100% (or very close) then when you come to need it you may well be in for a let down with little or nothing else you can do.
SYSTEM RESTORE - Info - Troubleshooting
There are many, many reasons why a System Restore may fail. For example, see “Why are previous restore points not working?” in the “Troubleshooting” section of this official Microsoft page:
There’s lots more on that page that’s worth reading too. Note especially the sections on “Does System Restore protect personal data files?” (the short answer: no); “What should I do if System Restore does not work?”; “Why are my restore points missing or deleted?”; “Why does the System Restore Wizard lockup?”; and so on. Just a few minutes on that page ought to convince just about anyone that System Restore is not intended for heavy-duty system protection!
More info:
Hello MLD,
First off, you are absolutely right. There is indeed a bug caused by Avast that prevents the Windows ME system restore to create automatic points as supposed. The following thread tells about its discovery :
The guy who discovered it experienced the symptoms and had Win ME. You experience the same problem too. I also had the same bug. And also three other people I know who use Avast + Win ME experience the same thing. Coincidence? Something else in Win ME is wrong? : Well, what’s more, Nana (the bug’s discoverer), me and those three other people could get their Win ME system restore work normally again with a simple test by uninstalling Avast. So sorry to those who are trying to blame some other thing, but this bug is related to this antivirus and nothing else. These facts make the conclusion very simple.
Also, the “advice” to turn system restore off is irrelevant. System restore is not intended as the perfect magic device to give you back 100% of your PC content, but can certainly save you many problems after a crash. I relied on it more than one time to save my PC.
I’ll end saying that I’m disappointed that nobody at Avast even bothered to acknowledge the initial bug report post, even though I asked them in the most patient and friendly manner. Just to read a reply from one of the Avast team guys like “we are aware of it even though for whatever reason we can’t fix it or don’t want to” would have been satisfying for me and make all the difference in the world. In conclusion, I’m not saying the antivirus isn’t good. It is good. But the team still need to improve their ways in responding to bug reports.
Newton, what can we say…? We need the better for avast! and for ourselves.
Email and Forum support are not as fast as it was in the past. Maybe the summer time in Europe. Maybe we want more and more…
I’m not blaming avast… just trying to understand why the quality of support is not as the same as before… :
I sympathize with you. Since installing avast! V 4 my computer, Win Me, has also stopped taking automatic System Restore points. I can force a SR manually but the automatic ones no longer appear. And don’t let anyone tell you that System Restore is of no value. It must be configured correctly but it has saved me any number of times. The idea here that perhaps avast!'s automatic updating causes the conflict sound very likely. System Restore won’t happen unless the OS finds some idle time to do its work.
Only in Me… in XP it is just a dream… or headache, when you need it lets you on the road…
Realy, you need a real restore system (until now I found nothing better that Norton GoBack, a serious application for restoring. Of course you can and should have full backup or images of your computer).
Why? avast! update isn’t always running… If you said that ashserv.exe (the resident scanner) is due to this… But avast! updates? I can’t believe… you should not understanding how avast! update works…