Hi everyone… is there any chance someone can send me AVASTSS.scr file… I’m having so much troubles with configuring screensaver, actually, I am unable to get settings screen opened…
When I start avast! screensaver I can see that little window showing randomly on my screen, but it says VIRUS FINDING IS OFF !
I want to configure it to scan my system when screensaver is on and I am unable to do that… I don’t know if it has something with scr file or not, but I just wanna try…
If someone wants to send me that file, please zip it if it’s possible, 'cause my ISP’s mail server is filtering mails with attachments… it will reject some mails with exe or scr attachments… probably some server antivirus tool. I think they use Micro Trend’s Server Antivirus…
I’ve got that file, but unfortunately it didn’t help…
Something is wrong with this program update I guess, 'cause when I go to screensaver settings inside TASKS / ENHANCED USER INTERFACE, and when I press SETTINGS option, nothing is happening… I don’t know… maybe I’m doing something wrong, or I just have to wait for new 418 update… :
Thanks for your effort guys !!! I really appreciate it…
English version… I don’t understand any other, hehe… there is no Croatian version yet, but I guess English is my language now, so I’m pretty comfortable with english version…
Hey Sasha,
It’s radicalb21. I was just running version 4.1.416 was realeased earlier today and had no problems with regards to the screensaver. Also version 4.1.418 was just released to the web via updating.You may want to uninstall the program. Then restart your machine. Delete the alwil software folder. Then clean out your registry. then restart your machine. Reinstall the program and make any changes to the configuration you need and everything should be fine. Hope this helps my friend. The problem with the screensaver was only located in the non-english languages.
OK, I’ll try to do that, but I’m not sure can I reregister my avast! Pro version second time… I already registered once, so I don’t know if it will bring me some additional problems if I do that again…
Sasha, you cannot ‘reregister’ avast Pro but you will use the same license key you already has… You can format your HDD ( ;D ) and use the same license number again
Same for me :‘(
Fortunatelly, I configure the screen saver some days ago and now it is working with that ‘old’ settings. Thanks God.
When I try to change the settings avast crashes… :’(
When I try to change the settings avast crashes...
With build 416 or 418? Guys you must be kidding me – that’s what 418 was hopefully solving (actually that’s its only difference to 416) – crashes of the Settings dialog in non-English language versions.
More time than making skins ? You got to be kidding me… coming up with idea( which consumes most of the time), drawing base screen, drawing all those little pieces, compiling them into one big complex, making animations, testing skin million times… … it just takes sooooo much time. I am fast because I’m good ;D Can’t run away from the fact…
Technical, you could reply in just one post by re-editing it, now you have even more posts in your counter… See my point ? ;D
Finally, everything works just great here… I uninstalled avast! (I must confess I felt so naked without it… I couldn’t wait to “wear” it again, hehe), erased completely avast! sub-directory from Program Files directory… I cleaned registry and I rebooted my PC. After that I installed avast! again and everything seems to be just great. My screensaver works again, I can configure it the way I like it and that’s pretty much everything !!!
For me it is not solved
When I click the advanced options of the module I receive an error.
I already send it to Alwil by IMAP.
I won’t uninstall just because of this. There are too many configurations to do all again.
The module is working because I configurated it before the update.
Now I can’t configure it. There is no error message, just the possibility to send the error (error report).