Any problems with 4.7.892?

Hi Vlk,

I thought everything was fine until setting up some new computers at work today. All 3 are 64 bit XP Pro boxes with dual core Pentium processors. These are newly built so there is no prior security software of any kind, nor had any additional security software other than avast! been installed yet.

After installing avast! I was unable to install any Windows Updates at all. I have not experienced this with any prior version of avast! so I assume it is specific this build.

At my request Windows was not updated by the builder (I wanted to exclude some updates and he was unwilling to take the time to do this). The first update which gives access to the “new” update site (not so new anymore) downloaded but hung when it came time to install. At this point I was not able to even scan for updates - the Microsoft page kept referring to Error 0X80070020. The suggested work around for this error is to turn off the antivirus but I found uninstalling avast! was the only remedy. This occurred on all 3 PC’s but I cannot duplicate it on any of the existing computers which also have v 4.7.892.

Since there were a number of updates (59 high priority and 7 optional) the downloads occurred in stages. On one machine I did try re-installing avast! between downloads to see if one of the updates would cure this, but the problem persisted to the end.

@AleCalixto: My pleasure!

@Vlk: Just a minor issue… If i check “check for games before displaying popups”, it disables Aero whenever it displays a popup.

No problems so far with the new version.

Ro Ro

Good to read from you guys and girls.

I have a little problem, hehe, never had avast! remind me of there is a new program update available. So I am gonna wait a bit more. Not this time updating so fast. :slight_smile:


Anyone having any problem with the new build (mauserme etc), please START A NEW THREAD. It’s impossible to manage this thread trying to solve a number of different issues.

Thank you.

My post is more informational than a request for help. I was able to work around the problem by uninstalling avast! but if this could be avoided in the futurure ,

No problems noticed. Ran 4 eicar tests from this site,
and they were stopped in their tracks, even the double zipped one, and the download pages for them weren’t even able to load. (“the page can not be displayed” message.)

I have updated to 892 earlier than I would normally do and it’s fine, thankyou.


Updated from 4.7.844. Everything works as it should. XPSP2.

Thanks! :slight_smile:

WinXP SP2 with:

  • www shield (Firefox
  • mail shield (Thunderbird
  • standard shield
  • lan shield

No problems! :smiley:

Under Windows Vista RC1 build 5728, in the avast! Log Viewer I see this error:
26/09/2006 18.58.29 SYSTEM 1652 AAVM - scanning error: FATAL: GetQueuedCompletionStatus failed!!!, 000002DF.


Your antivirus is pretty good. But there is one thing I don’t like.
I can easily close all the services of antivirus via Task manager or any other software. Perhaps, that could do some virus, trojan or spyware application.


Hello :slight_smile: Maybe this is not the right place for posting this :wink:
Perhaps you could use the wishlist topic or make a new one about that :wink:
As regarding the thing you doesn’t like - yes avast! currently doesn’t have selfprotection feature and all processes can be killed without a problems, but this will change in future (probably in avast! 5) :wink:
If you want more info you could see HERE - early version of the selfprotecting feature (avast process execution prevention module) :wink:

Hey I would like to report a problemo :

After last update, I could not access IE - a message popped up asking me if I wanted to download the file ‘

I turned off Avast and everything worked fine…so the problem must be there (I also updated my firewall at the same time mind you)

I’ve played around a bit and got the same question ‘do you want to download bla bla bla’ every time I want to access a page somewhere etc etc - but again after turing off Avast, I don’t get the problem anymore. Please help :o

Since installing this update, at startup I get error msgs “Avast will not be able to protect News NNTP Protocol) Error 10049”. And get same error repeated for SMTP, POP3 and IMAP. I am Running WindowsXP Home SP2 (updates current). Been running Avast more than two years with never a problem. I’ve uninstalled/reinstalled this build a couple of times but problem recurs. Any ideas? Thanks. :frowning:

I had the same problem when my firewall blocked avast!. I’ve created a special rule for avast!, allowing all network and Internet connections for it, and the problem disappeared.

Thank You! I’ll test this module.

Maybe this is not the right place for posting this
Isn't it a problem? I think it is a problem.


Yes, but it’s not related only to the latest version - none of the official versions have the selfprotecting future. And this topic is about problems with the latest version only :wink:

sorry for the off-topic ::slight_smile:

It’s the web-shield which causes problems for me :-[

Yes, Saturday I began to have problelms with last upgrade. See my details in this thread of Spiritsong.

Thanks for the tip. I did a test with Firewall diabled and indeed the error messages did not recur. :slight_smile: