Any Good Points … or Warnings about either Avant or Maxthon Browsers? I want to possibly try one or both of them out. I of course do pretty much almost everything else with Opera. But, my niece’s Blog is just being persistently pesky and randomly uncooperative. Firefox … been there, done that … don’t want to go there again. AOL won’t work with that Blog. So, I thought possibly some other Browser might do the trick.
They are both IE based computers.
They’re dressed up a little nicer and have some extra bells and whistles but they are still IE based.
So if you have no objections to using Internet Explorer, they go ahead and try them.
Whilst they are IE clones, what they do offer is an easier user interface, when it comes to disabling activeX or Java or JavaScript and many other settings that would require deeper digging in IE to disable. See image example for Avant settings.
With these you can do something temporarily with a couple of mouse clicks and reverse it quickly when you are done.
I first used Avant, then Maxthon and back with Avant as my secondary browser with Firefox 3.0 as my primary browser.
I first used Maxthon then became a Flock user.
Now I have Opera installed.
But I’m a Firefox user
I had read yesterday about both of them being IE-based. But, it wasn’t until today that I read at the C/Net site that Maxthon isn’t just sorta IE-based, but rather … it NEEDS to have IE 5 or 6 existing in your computer. Well, I guess it’s like AOL in that regard since AOL needs IE. Initially I had understood that they were IE-based, but that they were independent … their own entities so to speak. But, I guess at least Maxthon is the equivalent of putting an Overcoat on IE. I don’t know if Avant NEEDS IE existing in your computer.
Let’s talk Security. Let’s say in its Default state, out of the box, out of the starting gate so to speak. Would you say that at worst … Avant is No more a Security Risk than AOL?
Do YOU personally have ActiveX, Java / JavaScript disabled on Avant? Would this prevent some websites from loading or from loading in their entirety?
In recent times, I was going to try Flock, but it doesn’t work on Windows 98SE. Hey, so how do you like Opera 9.50 and 9.51? I loved 9.27, but ever since 9.50 and 9.51 came onto the scene … Whew! I’ve been on a Roller Coaster of Highs & Lows. Sometimes things will be clicking along OK … or at least as OK as can be considering 9.50 / 9.51 still have Bugs … and then things will venture more into Semi-Disaster territory. This past Sunday I had actually downgraded to my trusty ole 9.27 because I was fed up with the inconsistency and glitches of 9.51. Then today 9.27 Freaked Out and forced me to go back UP to 9.51 again. I hear 9.52’s Official Release is just around the corner.
I couldn’t say I have never been with AOHell.
I very rarely use anything other than Firefox and where I have to use IE I would use the avant clone with all three disabled. If it stops some web sites from loading enabling javascript is usually enough, if it requires activeX it would have to be very important (and a trustworthy site) before I would consider that.
As a dial-up I would also disable a number of other options, like videos and also flash.
Alrighty, then. I shall put that in my erudition arsenal.
Okay, Avant is now downloaded and installed. Another thought crossed my mind. I don’t know if it could be Disaster / Lockup Bait … or maybe nothing. As you all know, I have AOL Dial Up as my ISP. Running Opera & Firefox is No Biggie because those aren’t IE-based. Well, with AOL being dependent on IE and Avant being IE-based, is there going to be conflict of interest? Is there going to be a fight between AOL and Avant for the Right to configure IE as they each please? Or is this no problem?
I was envisioning logging in onto AOL and everything is running OK. Then I minimize it and click on the Avant Icon. Then an Extreme Fighting Match ensues as they each want dibs on IE’s services. Should I put the Avant Pedal to the Metal on top of AOL?
Maybe I have answered my own question.
I couldn’t wait any longer for a reply to my last post. So, I went ahead and clicked on the Avant Icon. Initially, things SEEMED to be going smoothly. I was asked if I wanted the Helpful Tips. I was like, “Sure! Why not?” I was asked where I wanted the Tabs Bar and was informed how to change it in the future if I wanted. I was asked whether I wanted Large or Small Icons and was informed how to change that in the future. I clicked on OK. I then immediately encountered a message that - Avant has performed an Illegal Operation and will be closed. What the …? I didn’t even get started and I have already encountered a critical ERROR. Avant is certainly NOT going to get on my good side this way. I wonder if the Illegal Operation is due to what I was alluding … that maybe I WON’T be able to use it superimposed on AOL because they both use IE?
IE is an integral part of the OS and is used for many things (besides the IE browser), like windows explorer for displaying the folder views and for displaying help files, etc. So there should be no conflict or doubtless we would have bumped into it already and wouldn’t offer it as a suggestion.
I would ignore this supposed illegal operation, especially as a) it is a one off unless it is a regular occurrence and b) since you appear to have gone on a tweaking fest to see what it can do. Just restart avant or reboot and monitor it in the future.
Well, with AOL being dependent on IE and Avant being IE-based, is there going to be conflict of interest?Since AOhelL changes many of your system settings, it's quite possible that your problem lies with AOL.
I wouldn’t doubt it. You know … with me now introducing Avant, or TRYING to introduce Avant onto my computer scene, I am envisioning AOL as this HUGE Castle with an Alligator-infested moat around it. Then when the Avant Army dares try to get close to AOL’s IE-based territory / Empire / Kingdom, the AOL Sentries shoot some flaming warning arrows at Avant that it is performing an unwise, Illegal Operation and that it should retreat immediately. ;D
I already tried it again this morning … 3 times!
And Nope. It is obvious this is going to be more critical than just ignoring and sidestepping the Illegal Operation message. I flat out cannot get past the point where I acknowledge that it is OK to use Large Icons on my Toolbars. So, No Go on the Avant Restarts. Mission gets aborted every time. I think it quickly got to the point that there’s only one possible alternative. Uninstalling and Reinstalling Avant. If that doesn’t get it in gear, then it’s NOT going to work period.
Since you haven’t had AOL, you couldn’t have known that there’d conceivably be sibling rivalry between the AOL & Avant IE siblings.
It’s possible a Reinstall of Avant might do the trick. After all, my initial Install of Opera 9.51 left me without the ability to open ANY website. I uninstalled it and reinstalled it and it then worked OK. So, maybe this afternoon I’ll reinstall Avant. If it is ascertained that Avant is just not going to be welcomed by AOL, most likely neither will Maxthon or any other IE-based Browser.
have some avant browser for a long time…couple of years and never not a problem along side firefox since it’s beginning ??? :
If it is ascertained that Avant is just not going to be welcomed by AOL, most likely neither will Maxthon or any other IE-based Browser.There is always the other alternative: [url=][b]Remove AOL[/b][/url]
I can’t. AOL is my ISP! :o
Well, the Avant Experiment is Officially Ovah!
Game Over! Turn out the lights. The party is over.
This afternoon I Uninstalled Avant and Reinstalled it. It FAILED again exactly as before. Right after I Click on OK to select the Large Icons on the Toolbars … Illegal Operation and Avant won’t go any further. I don’t need it that bad. So, I’m not going to waste any more time with it.
And since I read, I believe on a PC World Review, that Avant & Maxthon are virtually clones of each other, the odds are that Maxthon is NOT going to work with my AOL either. So that one I’m not even going to bother trying out.
AOL is my ISP!That doesn't mean you need to use all of their stuff. My ISP is Comcast my browser is Firefox but I have nothing from Comcast installed on my system. Your ISP provides you with a means to access the internet. AOL is also the most expensive. But I guess they've got you hooked. :)
Maxthon is for sure secure more than default IE … You can easily check that by testing …