Any 'simple' solution to Avast! not scanning Gmail?


My computer finally died on me last week and I’m using this clockwork thingy to get by with.

Anyway, since installing Avast! Home I’ve noticed it only scans my two IMAP accounts (but doesn’t insert any clean message like I’ve asked it to) and not my gmail and googlemail accounts.

I’ve done a forum search and found this 2005 thread about using something called ‘Stunnel’, but I think it may be a bit too complex for me.

Have any alternative (and, um, easier) solutions been found since 2005?


John Latter / Jorolat

There isn’t an alternative with avast 4.
On avast 5, the scanning of protected email will be incorporated.

Google scans the email so you are protected.

I know what you mean about Stunnel. I have just come back to Avast and had Stunnel running before. Tried getting it working this time and had problems.

I wasn’t doing it because I feel unprotected - it was for the challenge. One day when I am bored I will have another go. Hopefully, by then Avast will be released.


Then I look forward to Avast! 5, Tech - and thank you for your reply, too, Ian :slight_smile:

John Latter / Jorolat