Anyone else?

Hi all,

I hope you are well, I was wondering if anyone else has noticed that the Last update received -------- under the maintenance streaming update section in Avast! UI is blank?

I have streaming updates enabled Reputation Services enabled and connection is established.
Everything in Streaming updtes is enabled and connected, the only information that is ---- blank is last update received…
Any idea when this info will be able to be displayed?


happy avast user

that has happened with me earlier this morning?? I got the date and time after some hours

I haven’t noticed it.

Even if I had I don’t go chasing one off events, if it were to become a regular occurrence then is it worthwhile investigating/trying to resolve.

Hi true indian, thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. I have not received any streaming updates at all, this is the second day now that I have not received streaming updates.

Hi David R thanks for your reply, I really appreciate it.
The reason I asked about anyone else having problem with streaming updates is because I have not had any streaming updates for two days now and even now Last streaming update received ------ as you can see is still blank.

happy avast user

Now that is different and really what this topic ought to have been about.

Though that said, given the time of year that is a possibility. Though today so far I have 27 streaming updates, do you have any ?

Just thought I’d add no streaming updates since Dec 24. :slight_smile:

Mine is still going strong, now up to 32 streaming updates for today.

Last streaming update received to-day just a couple of minutes ago 19:43 CET - location Central Europe,


Last streaming update 7:16 A.M. Eastern U.S. on Dec. 26. Regular def package is current at 121227-1.

I had the same thing this morning (Paris) but atm it’s working perfectly well.

Here is my list:

Hi David R, thank you so much for your reply I really appreciate it.

At the time of your reply post I still had no streaming updates, I decided to uninstall and re-install Avast! and with in about an hour I started receiving streaming updates :slight_smile: and streaming updates is up and running well now.
Latest streaming update that I have now is: 28/12/2012 11:44 14

Thanks again

happy avast user :slight_smile:

Hi all,

I just want to say thank you to you all that have replied to my topic Anyone else? with regards to streaming updates I really appreciate all the help, advice and support I get from you all.

happy avast user :slight_smile:

You’re welcome, I would have started with an avast Repair and see if that did it before a reinstall.

Same amount of streaming updates here on my system. It seems a normal condition…maybe they’re working on a full VPS signature to be released later during the day :wink:

Glad to hear that problem is fixed :wink: