I have a question regarding Kerio’s Web Filtering and this forum.Now here is my problem:If i have Web filtering enabled i am not able to see any graphics on this forum(avatars,attachments etc.) however when i disable it i can see everything.I have this forum set on exceptions list in Web Filtering and also Imageshack and Photobucket.The images that are on Imageshack and Photobucket display normally, but the images that are uploaded to avast servers don’t want to display.Is there a rule i have to add to exceptions tol be able to see these images?BTW the rule i use in exceptions for this forum is just avast is this OK?
Won’t it be better if you set: http://forum.avast.com/*.gif or other extension you can’t see…
Anyway, it’s strange as I can see all pictures here. Like you said, seems that Kerio privacy features are guilty here…
Well I wouldn’t say it’s strange. It is not quite strange just because you are using ZoneAlarm freeware and that firewall has no WEB filtering feature integrated. Kerio firewall (paid for version, even when you first install it and wanna keep it as freeware, first 30 days you have all Pro features enabled) has those features and when enabled it gives you the “missing avatars” problems… But ONLY when Block Advertisments feature is turned on. I’m using Kerio on my other system and it works like a charm… no missing avatars because, I don’t use WEB filtering feature anyway…
Btw it passes tooleaky.exe test without any problems Miha, unlike the ZoneAlarm Freeware… very good, very good !
I’m not using ZA free all the time 8)
But, you’re right I forget the hability of blocking ads. Outpost Professional has the same feature but the default settings do not block avatars in any way :
Yes and that’s because Kerio’s WEB FILTERING feature is more sensitive than Outpost’s. When it says it blocks adds, it really blocks them… Well I was never annoyed by those adds. They don’t bother me at all. If I don’t like them, I’m just gonna ignore them. So, that’s why I don’t have to have Web filtering feature enabled…
But sure if there is any kind of workaround with web feature enabled, that would be great for darth.mikey. I know he would like to have that feature enabled at all the times, so there must be some kind of exception form needed to be entered in exception list. My opinion is, first we have to find out where all those graphics upoaded to avast! server are stored… maybe they are not on avast!'s server at all… I tried all possible situations and nothing works ( *.forum.avast.com, .*forum.avast.com like it’s mentioned in Kerio’s help file)…
As I’ve noticed, most pictures and “older” memebers avatars are saved in other locations as Photobucket.com Personally I use it too, as I don’t want to uplaod avast forum server with items I can save by myself.
But I also noticed sometimes some avatars missing (only when WEB filtering is enabled, and it looks like only those which are uplaoded directly to forum, and not on some of those image hosting services… so it looks like it’s Simple Machines problem actually.
My guess is that Kerio blocks images outside of the original servers, which excludes some avatars in this forum. I am using Kerio 4.2.0 free version and another app for blocking advertisements, which can be a browser or web filtering app.
As I mentioned before, I don’t see any problems with avatars, regardless of where they are uploaded. I tested my avatar by uploading it to ImageShack and some other image hosting services, and I also tried to upload it directly to this forum (wherever is that server that Alwil is using), and I still see avatars in forum.
Mayeb it really has something to do with image extensions (file types). I never had problems with Gifs, but maybe some problems occurs when we use some other file type or something… I don’t know…
However I just did that for testing purposes, but usually I have my web filtering disabled (in Kerio), since I use some third party tools…