anyone had trouble with an windows 10 ARMS system and avast !

I have had trouble installing and running avast , i wrote in october last year about it not being ARMS compatable , as they replied it will be come xmas , and guess what it still wont install , this is getting rediculous seeing defender works but avast doesnt , just be warned it doesnt work on a ARMS machine . And yes i know about computers , for the past 40 years .

It still isn’t supported.

Are you really surprised that defender works, when MS built the Win10 ARMS OS, MS are always going to be ahead of the curve when the two are effectively developed together.

yes it worked on my acer intel7 with now trouble at all , since i get the samsung arms based machine running a snap dragon , it doesnt work , seems i complained 8 moths ago and still not fixed yet anfter 8 months , not the best support .But the no other antivirus gives you support only microsoft , it the basics scanner but i want some that kicks but .

Afaik, there will be a beta-test sooner or later, but I’m not aware of any ETA.