Anyone have secureline working?

Ive seen several comments reporting that they can not get secureline working as of the past week or so.

I have purchased a month long subscription and get a “license not accepted by avast servers” message.

Wondering if anyone has secureline working at all?

I have the latest version. So I assume you have it working?

Do you have to purchase a year long subscription to get it working?

When I insert the license file it says it expires in 0 minutes, even though it should say 31 days or so…

maybe avast takes some time to activate the license?

Same problem. The license has been purchased Nov 30.When I try to register my license I get message that «Your license file has beem inserted successfully« BUT when I try to connect I get message «The secureLine server has refused your license file« and «Your trial version has expired«. I saw others customers have same problem and got license on Nov 30 too !

Anyone confirming that moving from AVAST v8 to v9 Secureline works again??

I hope not, cause v9 (AIS) game me tons of issues to the point that I could not use my laptop in a reliable way if it is installed… and for at least 10 days I cannot really afford to try the new 9.0.2009 Beta

(… is AVAST trying to move everyone to v9, dropping services in the previous versions?? :-X )

I am using Avast PRO updated program version 2014.9.0.2006 and I get message «The secureLine server has refused your license file« .

Fixed it ! Upadated for Avast version (mine is PRO) 2014.9.0.2008.

I have had no problem running on W8.1 :slight_smile: