Anyone knows something about Iroc955?

Hi all!

I’ve been offline a few months in the Comunnity and when I’ve come back I’ve found that one of my friends here in the Comunnity whose username was Iroc955 has been offline since October! He’s an avast evangelist and it’s very strange becouse he always used to be online every day!

I’ve send him some mp’s but i’ve not receiced any response …

Does any one knows something of him? Did he leave the Community? :-\

Thanks in advance for any information.

Best regards

Sorry I don’t know of a reason for Hernan’s absence, it seems strange not seeing his little Red car avatar darting around the forums.

EDIT: That said around that time his father wasn’t well and he had been absent for a while then. I hope that isn’t why he is absent again.

Hi DavidR and thank you very much for reply me.

Yes, his father’s accident was the last new I had about him, but all this is very strange…

Hernan is the kind of person who lives 24h/365d online and it’s hard to believe that he hasn’t had in all this time, at least only one minute to write a post in this forum or check his email account… I’ve sent him some emails to his personal account without any reply… I think something has happened to him… I hope he is ok. :-\

Thanks anyway.

Best regards

Likewise, I hope he is ok too.

Sorry I have no pertinent information but am following with concern also. :-\

Yeah, he is one of the nicest guys here on the forum :slight_smile:

Greetz, Red.

Upon reading this thread, I have just sent him an e-mail… we’ll see if there’s any reply.

Hernan just responded to my e-mail:

His father’s surgery changed his life. He has to take care of his dad and his business, and also his mom. He spends his “free time” in lines at grocery stores to get food and medicine for them.

A lousy situation…

Based on this, it’s hard to say when… or even if… he will be returning to participate here. I wish him well.

Thnx for informing us :slight_smile:

I wish Hernan and his parents all the best, and I hope his father will recover.
At least it is good to know that Hernan himself is healthy and ok.

Greetz, Red.

Thanks for lettings us know.

Good to hear that Hernan is OK, my very best wishes to his parents.

I hope all evolves in a positive good for all concerned.
This reminds us that while we here interact almost every day with our cooperative posts and communication that we all have “real time” lives we live outside this forum. :slight_smile:

My heart and prayers got out to him and his family.
I hope the family health issues get better so he can get his life back.
Right now he’s taking care of the most important parts of life…his mom and dad.
He is a huge plus for avast especially in the Spanish speaking forums.