Anyone like to get rid of the annual fee?

I used to use AntiVir, which was very good, but when I decided to pay for it, found that my payment for premier version would only last for a year until it had to be renewed again. Even though AntiVir is an excellent program, I decided to trial out AVG and Avast and overall, it seems Avast was superior of the three freeware programs. Definitely, the support is superb (thanks).
However, when I go to upgrade Avast to Professional, it is the same requirement for an annual subscription.
Please get rid of the subscription cost. Make a full license the same price as current annual subscription $39.95, with no need for annual upgrades.
I feel that your increased sales would far and outweigh the reduction on annual re subscription fees. Not only, but also, you would be offering another facet of your program unparalleled with the competitors - one fee pays all.
Others like to add their penny worth to this thread please do so for Avast marketing consideration.
Kind regards,

Give the people from Alwil a break. They have families to support you know.
If you don’t like the costs, just use the home version (if you comply to the terms).
Myself, I don’t mind paying 65 euro’s for 3 years of updates. (yes I get a discount :D)

Basically all AV companies use subscribtion based update service. avast! is no exception. And 65 euros for 3 years is very cheap imo.
Thats 21 euros per year.

But as Eddy said. There is still Home Edition which is completely free for as long as you want to use it. Although it has less features which is kinda logical :wink:

Try converting the hours spent repairing your system after a virus attack to a dollar value

and I think you would agree an anual fee is more than fair

The program itself doesn’t expire after a year (or two or three, depending on how long a subscription you purchase). Only the maintenance (the updates) does.
The main thing here is that nothing lasts forever, and since an AV is based on continuous (and very frequent) updates, time-limited subscription model IMHO makes very good sense.

In fact, antiviruses were the first programs in the software industry that started with this model. And now, more and more software vendors adopt this model, even though in their case, it often doesn’t really make much sense (‘maintenance’ of a text editor is not really an issue…).


Many ISP’s also offer security suites that customers pay/month that cost much more than Avast’s yearly fee and people pay even for that.
Cause they are too lazy to get security programs straight from companies themself or believe they need the extra local language telephone support.
With Avast you get suberb support here.

Well said Vlk.
Antivirus programs should be paid for the updates.

Programs that need no updates, except possibly security holes & bug fixes, pay once only method for those.

No, I am considering going pro and the money spent will be well worth it, as it keeps the option open of a free av (good) for those that can’t afford it.

Well, I dont mind being shot down in flames! It is great to hear others viewpoints.

Of course, I realise the free version is available.

I am a software author myself, and keep updating my software at no charge. However from your replies, maybe I should be the one that changes my own cost model!
Kind regards,

Well, we don’t know what kind of software do you develop, so it’s hard to judge.

If somebody buys a text editor, he can usually use the software till the end of his life (or his coputer’s life ;)) the same way as he bought it, no matter if any updates are available or if the company went out of business long time ago.
For an antivirus, however, the updates are actually the key point - and you can believe us that keeping the virus database up-to-date requires quite a lot of effort.

As a happy Home edition user I am more than happy with the “free” and unlimited use of Avast! I use the “Home Ed.” on my Home computers. I don’t want to sound rude in anyway to Alistair , but in a commercial situation it makes a lot of sense to have the "professional’ edition, as you are earning money , and rely more heavily on having un-interupted “uptime”. It seems more than fair to pay a small fee back to Alwil for the benefits to your company .
The more I use Avast!Home Ed. the more astounded I am at the incredible support , with updating , and overall protection that is offered. Plus the happy support offered here at the Forum! I don’t want to draw too much attention to the incredible service provided with the Free Edition, coz they might decide to withdraw it ;D … but it has served me well , and I’d happily pay for it !
Thanks again to Alwil Avast! team. You provide a unique service .