Anyone on VoodooShield?

A whitelisting tool next to your AV. Works as an IDS. When you block all it asks you to block, you are very well protected.
Who of us is using it? Run it on AUTO? Saw it proposed at Wilders.


I am, been using it for a few months now alongside EAM and MBAM, no conflicts at all. I run it in auto-pilot mode, supposedly less pop ups this way. Developer is a real nice guy, very responsive to any questions you may have, you can contact him in the Wilders forum. I find it very easy to use, I just run it in the default settings, virtually bullet-proof as to anything getting past it from what I’ve read. Highly recommended if you want another layer of protection.

Hi digmor crusher,

Thanks very much for the feedback. Yep, I also assume that there are very amiable people at Wilders. The one person that I met in real life came from Florida and he was very security apt and a true g33k.

With VoodooShield had two programmes that I had to allow, because they were tweaked by me to my personal resource likings. But there I absolutely knew what to do, so allowed them on. Proves that if you live up to it’s alerts than you can feel quite quite secure.


I’ve been using Dan’s progie for a couple of years, following the Beta Stream and quite like it. No real conflicts but a tad bit too busy in its protection for me.
The developer is extremely interactive!!

Hi schmidthouse,

But on Auto I do not see it’s being that specifically loud. Sits there quite silently after the learning period and three unsigned tools allowed.

Seems I am doing much af the same routines on the old comp, like various scanning and analyzing like dom and script and api’s,
certs and dns. Website security goes along a predefined path of fixed routines and evaluation schemes and Voodooshield seems quite accustomed to that.

Just started to moan a bit about malzilla, the sandbox mozilla malware analyzing browser, I use it only occasionally.
Had to enforce it’s executable on to make it work.

Quite happy with VoodooShield actually.


Another reason why I was glad to have VoodooShield installed.

Read here why M$ did notc hoose to block BadRabbit right away:

Also probably because a NSA exploit was being involved, used by asserted malcreant, “Patient Zero” ;D,
allegedly from St. Petersburg, Russia.

Could Micosoft research learn something from Monthy Python’s killer bunny here?

At what detection percentage real detection should set in (they now need an AI score of over 90% threshold) :o

Just under the scale real detection won’t set in, what a joke! (or rather full hand in foor with NSA? :o )

My VoodooShield starts at any change of the original pre-scanned situation.


Yup, still running VS now 4.13b
Has saved my bacon when needed

VS discussion at ‘Calendar of Updates’

Yes, schmidthouse,

That tool on AUTO has covered my back and kept me out of flak’s way several times now.

Very active developer.

Together with running a normal user account, this is one of the best protection measures i.m.h.o.

VoodooShield like “the white voodoo” of it.


You’re right Dan is always available on the forum to deal with any issues often in real time. Or PM. Or email.


VoodooShield Discussion:

It’s too trigger happy on anything not having a digital signature. Not sure what kind of “Ai” it’s using but from my experience it doesn’t seem that clever. Of course i scores wonderful in malware only tests then. But if you throw in clean software, it becomes less than excellent because in the end user has to make most of the actual decisions. avast!'s Hardened Mode (Aggressive) seems far more intelligent, its whitelists more up to date. It’s just more usable. You can actually have it enabled even as advanced user and it’ll rarely bug you.

Hi RejZoR,

Therefore it is a tool for power users mainly and people that know exactly what to allow,
what to deny, and what to run in a Voodoo shield sandbox.
So I prefer the security of ON in Voodooshield and will not opt for AUTO.

The average user that has not got the knowledge like users like RejZoR etc. are better off setting it to AUTO.
It is also less loud that way. The Pro version only shows a little balloon for secs while it takes all sort of that decisions.

So whenever the proggie asks me, I know what to allow as I checked on the tool first or adopted it myself,
even when I changed a few bytes to a network monitoring tool, that I adopted for personal use only
(via resource engineering) VoodooShield halted and blocked it until I allowed my “newer version”.

So it is enough “trigger happy” in my view as I can assure you here.

Oh, and all the best for 2018 from me to you and yours…


Another fine product (and approach) by the developer of VoodooShield
‘Whitelist Cloud’

The Voodoo Shield forum has moved from 'Calanderofdates forum(which no longer exists) to the developer’s new forum.

Hi schmidthouse,

Thanks for that info and the heads-up.

Still happy to use it. Keeps you out of harm’s way, when installing something and it asks whether you want to allow it,
so you can give that decision a second thougt, based on what it proposes. You do not run the risks of letting an executable run unnoticed and that is a blessing on every Operational System to have such an opportunity.


Latest Voodoo Shield V. 5.75

Thank you guys, this really should be the public release, but if you find anything please let me know!

    VS 5.75

    SHA-256: 13728cde64f3173369ab2c34f6c3cb0a947cdf0c3c3f63a8768ca28b010e553d

VoodooShield Website:

Edit: Added website link

Hi schmidthouse,

Running that version. No problems. This solution kept me out of harm’s way and it halts me at crucial moments to ponder on what to allow and what to keep blocked. First inform, than decide. Later go over the auto allowed list.


Given RejZoRs previous comments some considerable time ago’.

Has the program become any more Intelligent ?

Hi David
I’ve been running this program since the early beginning and in the early development did act somewhat touchy or nagging if you will.
I now rarely feel the program is not acting intelligently and can be configured (Pro) very precisely.
I run it because it’s a reliable, effective security layer for .exe monitoring and control. IMHO
Keeping in mind “Intelligent” is totally subjective. It’s not everybody’s cup of tea :wink:

One really only can judge for themselves by becoming familiar with the software over a period of time. For me, it has responded the way I expected and has saved my ass on occasion.

Thanks for the feedback.