Hey Guys
Just today I had “fun” with the brilliant idea to try to dual boot this pc with windows xp on it and add Ubuntu “Hardy Heron” By using Wubi, well all went well for awhile the install of Wubi and the download of the Hardy Heron ISO file went well and then even the reboot and choosing Ubuntu on the boot screen and the set up, then the problems came As soon as everything was set up the Computer Re-booted itself… without asking, that was a shock to begine with then I chose Ubuntu again and I got a login screen this time so I entered all the information and pressed “Enter” and the screen went black… and then came up with the login screen again so I did the same and then it did it again and again and again. Finally it let me log in after entering my username and Password about 15 times the right way so it let me log in… or did it? I got the classic Hardy Heron walpaper and that was about it, it just sat like that for about 5 minutes nothing else loaded so I clicked on the background… and it sent me back to the login screen so I “Logged” back in and waited another few minutes and clicked on the background again and got the same thing again so eventually frustrated I shutdown the computer and booted back up into windows and uninstalled Ubuntu. I am still very interested in giving it another try as long as I dont get these same issues again