I’ve often had problems sending email to users of the AOL toy internet service, but the other day I actually had a nondelivery failure message. Following the link it told me there was a link to a nonapproved site in my email and that’s why it was blocked. Anyway this so incensed me that I telephoned them and they asked me to send the email to a test address, which I did. The AOL support person actually found the email and the reason for its rejection: apparently Avast.com is “not a trusted website” and has been known to cause problems! She further advised me to tell Avast to get in contact with AOL. The also told me the blocking of emails with references to avast.com is to “protect their members”!
Anyway I have since been able to email AOL people, so maybe they’ve removed the restriction. But perhaps Avast ought to get in contact with these clueless morons to avoid this for other people.
Anthony Hegedus